Monday, April 25, 2011

38 Weeks...Still Prego

38 weeks of pregnancy done...and I'm still prego. I kind of can't believe that I'm still pregnant. I think its partially because everyone told me I was going to go early and we had that pre-term labor scare. So I guess I expected in my mind that I would go early. So now that I'm not showing any signs of having this baby soon, I'm getting very irritated with still being pregnant! Plus, I am super duper uncomfortable at this point. The baby is pushing on my ribs all the time now and even leaning over is painful. Not only is he doing that, but he's pushing on my bladder too! I can't sleep or sit comfortably. Ugh. I'm ready to have this baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad the baby is healthy and doing great in there. And I can't wait to meet him for sure, but I'm just ready to be done!

This week I've just been trying to hang in there. I'm still working my normal schedule. That is getting really hard. I'm so tired all the time and just walking around enough to do my job is pretty painful. I had to stand up for an hour or so the other day at work and it sucked. I'm still super tired and taking cat naps most evenings. I went to the doctor and he said no movement towards labor. He said we can induce at any time after 39 weeks but it really is better for me and the baby to wait. So we will wait...

This week the baby is continuing to plump up. He has developed his ability to grasp and will be able to grasp a finger placed in his palm right after birth. His organs are fully matured and ready for life outside the womb. (So Come Out Baby!!) Here is what our baby is looking like now:

He's still pretty darn cute. Hopefully we will get to meet the little guy very soon! This weekend was Easter. So that was nice for Steve and me to get to spend some time with our families. I really didn't think I would make it to Easter being still pregnant but here we are! Oh well.

Exciting Moment of the Week: Nothing too exciting that is baby related going on this week. We are ready to go, everything is packed for the hospital, the nursery is totally ready, I'm ready! So not much to do there. It was nice to spend Easter with our families this week so that was exciting!

What I am Missing this Week: Mostly I am missing just being able to get comfortable. I don't need to complain any more about that!

Symptoms this Week: Besides all the lovely complaining I did above...ha! The biggest symptom this week, and this has been going on a while, is major pregnancy brain. I am forgetting everything! I am also making silly mistakes that I know I wouldn't make if the baby wasn't sucking all my brain cells out!

Obsessions this Week: I've started to read up on baby care this week. Might as make good use of this extra time being pregnant! There's a lot to know regarding newborn and baby care. It makes me nervous, but hopefully Steve and I will be able to figure it out!

Message to Our Baby: Baby Steven, mommy is so ready to meet you! We are glad you are enjoying yourself in my belly but I bet you will really like the nursery and all the other cute thing we have for you out here. :) Lots of people want to meet you and love you too, so whenever you are ready to come out you just let us know!

Tornado Craziness!

We have been having some seriously crazy weather in St. Louis lately. It was nice and warm and spring-like for a few days and then bam! Crazy thunderstorms with huge hail and eventually tornadoes! Steve and I have been to the basement about 3 times in the past few weeks just due to tornado warnings and sirens going off around us.

Well this weekend, we had the worst storm of them all. On Friday night it started raining really heavy and hailing. Steve and I were watching some recorded TV on our DVR when the sirens went off. So we went to the basement with the puppies. We didn't think too much of it but a couple minutes later the wind and rain and hail were really super loud, even in the basement. So we turned on the storm coverage and it was nuts! Apparently we had just experienced a tornado coming through our area. It was past us by the time we turned on the TV but the damage was really bad and really close to us! It was so scary. Apparently a tornado touched down in Bridgeton which is just 1/2 mile from where we live. They said it was a category 4 out of 5 tornado and the worst storm in our area in 40 years! It was so scary.

The worst that happened to us was our power was out all weekend. We were complaining about that but the next day we drove past some of the damage in Bridgeton and we were so lucky. Not even 1 mile from us houses were leveled. Here is a picture from the news of damage to neighborhoods really close to our house.

Isn't' that super scary? We saw trees and power lines all over the place near the highway. People's roofs were ripped off and thrown on top of other houses. It was just so scary. Steve and I both felt really lucky that the worst that happened to us was our power was out all weekend.

We live really close to the airport too and there was major damage to it. They closed it for the weekend because the damage was so bad. It was just so crazy. Here are a few pictures of that damage.

So Steve and I definitely took some time this weekend to pray and be thankful for our good fortune of our house still being intact. We were so blessed to not have damage to our block. And for once, I was glad to not be in labor! (Although I secretly wished that all the low pressure would make the baby drop! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Can't Believe I Almost Forgot

Can't believe I almost forgot to rep this super sweet diaper bag my in laws got us! It is awesome! They are so sweet for buying it for us!
Doesn't it sort of look like a purse? I love that about it. I was worried Steve wouldn't want to carry it but he said he was fine with it and even chose the color! Doesn't it look so spacious? I can't wait to fill it with baby things!! Thanks so much Gabby and Steve!

37 Weeks...Full Term

Well we made it through 37 weeks of pregnancy. That is really a long time to be pregnant, people! But I'm super glad to have made it this far. This week marks what is considered "full term" for our baby boy. That means he can be born anytime now and his organs including his lungs will be pretty much fully developed. Yay! I'm really glad to have been able to make it this far in the pregnancy.

This week was pretty tough in general. Its really hard to be comfortable at all now a days including sitting, standing, sleeping, etc, etc. Just walking around is tough to do too. Of course I have to pee all the time now, even more than I did before. This baby boy must be right on my bladder for sure! A new symptom developed this week, heartburn. Yay...not! I haven't really had it up to this point but its in full effect now. So that is gross. Another new thing this week is pain in my ribs. I guess the baby is up in there now too? Its pretty painful especially if I don't sit up straight for a long time. Can you see why I'm ready to be done with this pregnancy?!

This week I had Friday off and decided to have a spa day since I'm still prego and who knows when I'll be un-prego or able to have a spa day for that matter. I went with my mom to get a manicure and pedicure. That was very nice. We had lunch and had a great time! Then I went to get my hair done one last time before the baby. It was a good day! Also, my very sweet husband took me out to dinner that night. :) I'm feeling very lucky to have such a great hubby these days!

Friday I also went to the doctor but he had no news. :( He said the baby is doing great. His heart beat is great and he's even practicing breathing in there still. He is right on track at about 6 and 1/2 lbs. I'm doing great too, my blood pressure is good. I'm measuring right on track as far as growth. But the bad news is the baby's not making any moves towards coming out anytime soon. So I guess I'll keep waiting!

This week the baby is looking something like this:

Exciting Moment of the Week: Well I thought the doctor's appointment this week would be more exciting, but nope. I was really hoping for some progression. Oh well, glad the baby is healthy and so am I. I guess we are just going to be hanging out together for a little longer.

What I am Missing this Week: My energy level is still pretty low so I'm missing being able to do the things I used to be able to do with no problem. This weekend I cleaned the house and that took all day and pretty much all my energy for the rest of the day and night! Its tough I tell you!

Symptoms this Week: I mentioned earlier a few new symptoms that have started recently. One of the most disgusting being heartburn. That is so gross. I'm so glad I didn't get it earlier in pregnancy. I've also been feeling lots of aches and pains from carrying this baby all the time. Then of course there's the typical itchiness, needing to pee every 5 seconds and tiredness, but that's just being pregnant!

Obsessions this Week: This week I've been trying to get everything finished in the nursery as far as the sheets all washed and the clothes all sorted and put away, etc. Little things like that. Steve and I picked out a diaper pail on our date night....ha! How lame is that?! But I was actually pretty excited to find one that I think will work for us. So now the nursery is about 99.9% finished!

Message to Our Baby: Baby Steven we are so excited to meet you! Mommy has been so happy to have you in her belly for the past 9 months but she's ready to meet you, little guy! Your dad and I can't wait to see you soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Cloth Diapering Post

Cloth diapering is a decision Steve and I made a long time ago. I know that seems like kind of a weird decision to some people. We don't really consider ourselves particularly "hippy" like many people think you have to be to cloth diaper. I mean we recycle but we don't buy all organic food or compost or anything that takes effort like that! ha ha! But, for us, cloth diapering makes a lot of sense. I thought I would give some insight into that decision and the plan we have. Later I hope to give updates after the baby comes and we start to use the diapers. I hope it will be a success story! :)

First here are some pictures of adorable babies in cloth diapers just to start the post. So cute!

So where did this idea to cloth diaper come from? Well cloth diapers have been around forever. I think I was actually raised in cloth...things have changed but the basic idea is the same. I found out too that a lot of my friends who are having babies are using cloth diapers now. Which is really neat! Also, when I was a nanny several of the families I worked for used cloth including the one I worked for over a year. So I'm somewhat familiar and experienced with using cloth although I would not consider myself an expert at all and I am still very nervous about it! So based on this experience, Steve and I decided to use cloth with our new baby. We made this decision for a lot of reasons. First, the cost. Cloth diapers are a higher initial investment but pay off in the long run way more than disposables. And we are cheap people! ha ha. After all, money doesn't grow on trees!! :) Here's a good website that breaks down the costs. According to that website, the diapers we are using are the All in One (AIO) diapers. We actually will only have to buy one size since they are made to grow with the baby. So the initial cost for the diapers is about $538. (Actually it was $0 for us thanks to our super generous family and friends.) The cost of washing the diapers at home is estimated to be $36-$122 per year depending on your washer. So the total cost of cloth diapers on the high end is about $660 for the first year and $122 for every year afterwards. On that same website they list the cost of using disposable diapers for just one year is approximately $2577.35! And that's just for the first year!! You'd have to rebuy them for every additional kid, whereas you can use your same cloth diapers for all children you have in the future. So really, once the initial investment is made in the cloth diapers all you really have to pay for is laundering them which really isn't much more than adding 2 to 3 loads of laundry a week to your normal schedule. So, for us, the money savings was a big factor!! The second reason we wanted to do cloth was the benefits to the environment. Now we aren't necessarily tree huggers but...We just both feel like if we can decrease the amount of diapers that sit in landfills, that's a good thing. Here is some info about the effects on the environment:

Based on a report from the Women's Environmental Network, The Real Diaper Association reports:

  • Disposable diapers are the third most common consumer product in landfills today.

  • A disposable diaper may take up to 500 years to decompose.

  • One baby in disposable diapers will contribute at least 1 ton of waste to your local landfill.
Those statistics are pretty scary! Not that using disposables is a bad thing, but Steve and I just feel if we can reduce the waste in the landfills and save money that's a double win for us! Here are some more articles about the effects on the environment. here here Another reason was just the amount of chemicals and not natural things in diapers these days just was not sitting well with us. Thinking about all those things on my newborn baby's bum was not a happy thought. Here's some info on that: A baby can be sensitive to the ingredients used in diapers. From Kimberly Clark's 2005 Annual Report: "Superabsorbent materials are important components in disposable diapers, training and youth pants and incontinence care products. Polypropylene and other synthetics and chemicals are the primary raw materials for manufacturing nonwoven fabrics, which are used in disposable diapers, training and youth pants, wet wipes, feminine pads, incontinence and health care products, and away-from-home wipers."

Those chemicals on my new baby's sensitive skin just don't sit well with me either. Not that we won't ever use disposables. We will probably have to use them for our newborn for a few weeks depending on how big he is at birth. But if we can decrease the amount of time he spends in them, that is great!

Another reason are the benefits to the baby. Cloth diapered babies have less diaper rash than babies in only disposables. Also in cloth babies will feel wet whenever they use the bathroom as opposed to disposables that use chemicals to take away the moisture. That way the baby will be more likely to want to potty train sooner due to not wanting to be sitting in we diapers all the time. We have seen this is the case for our friends using cloth diapers and I hope it will work for us as well!

So those are some of the main reasons Steve and I have decided to take the plunge into cloth diapering. Even though I have experience using cloth, I am still nervous about how it will work for us. We have made a plan to hopefully help us adjust to using cloth but this post is already too long so I will have to write another one about our cloth diapering plan.

Here are some of the adorable cloth diapers we have received at our showers: So cute! Can't wait to get our new baby's bum in those!! :)

36 Weeks...Homestretch!

So who's ready to have this baby? (Raises hand). ha ha! After making through 36 weeks I feel pretty great about this pregnancy. From everything we heard in classes and read a full term pregnancy is considered 37 weeks and the baby is pretty much fully developed at that point. So that number kind of became my goal. Since this is the end of my 36th week I feel pretty darn accomplished for making it there. Steve and I really feel blessed to have made it this far with not really any major problems in this pregnancy. But honestly I am feeling like I am ready to be done! I think its also that I cannot wait to meet our son...Could have something to do with that! I also went to the doctor this week for my first internal exam. Yuck! Everything looks great with the baby though. He is measuring right on track. His heartbeat is great and he's in the right position to be born! Yay, Baby Steven! Also, I'm doing well according to the doctor with great blood pressure and all that stuff. Unfortunately nothing going on to indicate labor is coming anytime soon. My Dr. said I will probably go to my due date. Kind of disappointing but I guess that's fine as long as the baby is happy and healthy I can wait 3 more weeks to meet him. :)

This week my wonderful co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower! It was so incredibly thoughtful and sweet of them. They are the best! Tons of people came from our work. There was so much food and so many gifts I was just overwhelmed with the support I received from the folks I work with. It makes me so happy to see so many people are excited for this baby! :) This week the baby is gaining about an ounce a day! He is getting big, that little bean! He is also getting rid of the little hairs that have been covering his body and his waxy vernix covering this week. They say the baby is swallowing both of these things...and they will form the meconium he will "remove" after birth...ew. Here's how the little guy is looking this week: Exciting Moment of the Week: The surprise shower at work was so exciting! They were very sneaky and I didn't know it was coming at all. It was so much fun and I'm so glad that everyone was able to make it. Another exciting thing this week was going to the doctor. I was nervous and hopeful that something was happening, but nope. Although it is really good news the baby is healthy and head down. So I guess we will have to wait a little longer to meet you, little man.

What I am Missing This Week: I am missing having energy. I was tired during the first trimester but lately I have been just exhausted after work everyday. I can make it through the workday usually no problem, but this week around 2pm everyday I've been just crashing and exhausted by the time I get home. Its so bad that I usually take a nap now from 4 to 6pm and then go to bed again around 9pm! This baby is wearing me out!

Symptoms this Week: Besides the general low energy level this week, I feel like I'm moving slower than ever. Sometimes it feels like I'm moving through jello! ha! Just walking around is exhausting. Also, my huge baby belly is getting so heavy. It feels really heavy when I stand up or walk around now.

Obsessions this Week: This week I've been trying to get our hospital bag completely packed. That has been a bigger project than I thought. I searched around for different lists of what to pack and ended up making my own list of what I thought I would actually need/use. Getting that bag packed has really been kind of emotional because I know it is something we will be using when we got to the hospital! Exciting!

Message to the Baby: Baby Steven we CANNOT WAIT to meet you! Daddy wants you to stay in for a little longer so he can finish the semester, but Mommy is so ready for you to come out. We love you so much already and are praying for a safe delivery into this world!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nursery Reveal & A Treat for Blog Readers

The nursery is finished! Finally!!!! I can't believe how awesome it turned out. We have been working on it forever. For a long time it seemed like it was never going to get finished but it really came together. I think the best part is that lots of people in the family worked on it and that makes it really special. My mom made the curtains, Steve's mom made the banner and octopus decorations, Steve painted the walls and I did some of the art and the clock! How cool is that? I think its really exciting for everyone to have worked on the nursery together! The baby is going to feel so loved. Honestly, this is the nicest room in the house now. ha! But enough talking, lets get to the pictures!!

This is the changing table/dresser area. I painted some fish and other sea creature pictures for above it. Even though I am not artist, I think they turned out pretty nice.

Here's an up close picture of the cloth diapers on the dresser. Aren't they just so cute?

On the other side of the room is the bookshelf and those awesome curtains my mom made for the room. Don't they look great in there?

Here's a better picture of those curtains. Aren't they great?

Hanging over the bookshelf is this adorable stuffed animal octopus that Steve's mom made. Its so awesome. Can you believe she made that? We also hung a few pictures on the wall of us from our cruise. One is us snorkeling and a few with the dolphins.

This is the baby's closet. We left it the color we originally painted the room because we liked the contrast with the blue. We just didn't like all the walls being this green color...The clock and fish on the wall I painted. Pretty cool, eh?

Here is the crib with the super cool banner, Steve's mom embroidered for us. It is so awesome. I need to take a closer up picture so you can see the awesome details in it. Here is a treat for blog readers only: If you look close you can see the baby's name! Shhh! Its a secret!! :)

So overall I would say the nursery pretty much rocks. Its amazing how it came together. It was a mess at first and then piece by piece everything came together and I am super happy with how it turned out. I hope Baby Steven loves it!!! :) :)