I have been a mommy now for 2 weeks and I almost can't believe it. Some of the surreal-ness wore off when we actually brought the baby home but I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I look at Baby Steven because he's mine. And he's so perfect!

My baby boy is now 2 weeks old and he is just the most precious, amazing little person. We have been having so much fun together. His daddy and I took him on his first walk the other day and he really liked it. He seems to really enjoy being outside. I try to take him outside every day if the weather is nice.
We really got lucky to have such a good baby. He sleeps really well at night, waking up only about every 3 hours to eat. Sometimes he will even sleep 4 to 5 hours at night if I let him! He is breastfeeding like a champ and I am so glad that is working out so well. I was super nervous about breastfeeding before I have him but I didn't need to be, he is doing so great with it!
Baby Steven loves to look around when he is awake. He will just stare at the world around him and make some pretty interesting faces! He responds to my and Steve's voices although I know he can't fully see us yet. He loves to stretch out his arms and open and close his hands, although I don't know that he's really discovered that they are his yet. Baby Steven loves kisses and cuddles and prefers to be held all the time. (Can you blame him?) He still has the most beautiful, bright blue eyes and I'm hoping they stay.
This week Baby Steven had his first bath at home. He didn't protest too much, but I don't think he enjoyed it at all either. And immediately after his bath he projectile vomited all over himself and me. I also started trying to wear him in the moby wrap. He hated it at first but the last time I tried he took a good hour nap in there so we are making progress.
He is growing up already and gaining weight everyday. There's a big difference between the baby we have today and the one we brought home from the hospital. I love to see him grow and I know he needs to get bigger to be healthy but I don't want him to grow up too fast! At the same time I can't wait to see his little personality develop. I so look forward to all our days together and I just love him so much!