Double digits, little buddy! Its incredible to think we've come this far already. I know I say it every month but time really has flown by since you were born. You are blossoming into a such a little personality this month. You are so different than how you were just a month ago! It really is incredible to watch you grow up. (that shiner on your face is due to one of your recent attempts to walk!!)
This month, you have completely mastered crawling. You can crawl anywhere you want now and you can get around pretty well too! You much prefer walking around to crawling though. You will pull up on anything within your reach (furniture, pets, mom's leg...anything!).
You will walk along holding onto everything too. You especially love to walk around holding onto our fingers. You will get a good pace going if something motivates you like chasing Zeus (one of your favorite passtimes).
You are really rocking your walker too. You will go up and down the hallway, in the bedrooms, in the kitchen, for a long time. Its so cute to see your little legs working so hard using that walker! Too cute.
You even improvised this month using the laundry basket as a walker. You loved it! ha
You are talking like crazy this month! You already have a few words! You now can say, "mama" "dada" "bye bye" and "boo"!! CRAZINESS. You're almost always babbling to yourself and usually when we talk to you, you repeat the tone and syllables we use. Its nuts. I can't believe you are already learning words and talking so much. Makes sense though, with a chatterbox as your mama ;)
You are communicating a lot besides your talking. You're trying to learn to wave and you have a sideways finger-curling thing you do that is your version of "waving". You're also able to point to things you want. You find a way to get your point across, that's for sure! You are also master of "high fives" and love it when someone gives you a chance to show your high five skills!
You're little personality comes out all the time now. You love to be silly and giggle. If adults around you are talking and laughing you will laugh right along like you are in on the joke...hilarious. You love to be tickled and giggle every time. You are really into sharing now and will offer us bites of your food or to pretend to chomp on your bath toys all the time. You just think its hilarious when we pretend to eat whatever you've offered us.
Another aspect of your personality that we've seen a ton this month is your stubbornness. If you try to do something that is unsafe and we redirect you, you will go right back to what we said not to do! We have to redirect you several times and you usually end up getting frustrated and whining/crying. This behavior also makes sense coming from such a hard-headed daddy (and possibly mom ;).
We've had some really nice days this month and you love getting out for a walk or to play outside. You just look around like its your job, taking in all the scenery as we pass by. We've even had a nice enough day to play at the park! You loved that.
You have completely mastered your sippy cup this month. You are an old pro using it now. You also have gotten really good at picking up small food like cheerios and peas. I'm impressed by your ability to pick up that skill so quickly. You have sort of become a more pickier eater this month, perhaps the novelty of food has worn off on you. I'm hoping your love for all fruits and veggie will come back soon but for now you love apples and grilled cheese. You are still pretty cool with broccoli and love all breakfast foods. Luckily you'll usually eat a healthy fruit/veggie puree at each meal so that's good. But you are growing at a great rate and still are humongous for your age (upwards of 90th% for height and weight) so we aren't worried.
You still love bath time and can play in there for a long time. We do a bath each night because now that you are moving around you can get pretty dirty!! But you don't mind at all.
You had a chance to get in some quality cousin time this month when Willow came to Grandma and Grandpa's for a visit. You ended up enjoying your time with Willow but were a little skeptical at first....
She had more than enough love to give though! :)

Baby boy this month has been so crazy with the amount of growing you have done! You started out not so sure about crawling and mastered that in a couple of days. Then a few days later you are pulling up and getting around holding onto things. Its crazy to see how fast you are learning to get around. You are learning words so quickly too, we are going to have a chatterbox on our hands in no time! You love to snuggle, give high fives, take baths, wave hello and bye bye, laugh, play outside and just be a rough and tumble boy!! You're such a joy to your daddy and I everyday and we are so blessed to have you! We love you so much!!