I can't believe you are already one month into your second year (sniffle). I think this month I really had to admit that I don't have a "baby" anymore, you are truly a "toddler" now. It's pretty obvious though, our life has changed drastically in the past month due to our ever-growing and developing, little boy! You are walking and running all over the place now and getting into everything! You grab everything you can see, and reach for everything you can that might be up and out of your reach. You can really get to everything now. It's crazy and makes it difficult for me to try to keep you safe!
You have even reached up and started opening doors this month. Its crazy. You stand on your little tippy toes and reach up to our door handles (the long ones, not the regular turn knobs) then somehow you manage to open the door. Its nuts!
You are so curious and love to explore every nook and cranny you can find. We find you in kinds of weird places around the house that we thought you couldn't get to...so we are truly in
trouble this month.
Unfortunately you haven't quite figured out what safe boundaries are for you yet and get super frustrated when we won't let you touch or get something. Since you are asserting your independence now, a big fit usually ensues. We've seem some flat out tantrums from you this month (throwing your head back, crying, stomping feet, rolling around on the floor, etc). You are very much testing mommy's patience these days.
Along with you becoming more independent you love to help out mommy or daddy. When we load the dishwasher you like us to hand you spoons to put in the utensil drawer. You will help mommy get things out of the fridge for dinner. You try to be helpful doing the laundry but mostly you throw clothes and shut the dryer door on mommy. But its very cute to see you trying to be helpful!
You are so smart! All the time you amaze me with what you are able to learn and what you know. This month you are saying a lot of words still but a few new ones are ouch, brush, bubbles and up. You are able to follow 1 step instructions such as "Take this to daddy, close that door, etc". You are starting to be able to name body parts. You know eyes, nose and sometimes ears. You love to show off your belly button when we ask you too. Its super cute! You are also starting to be able to associate sounds with the correct animals. You picked up the elephant sound this month (putting your arm up and making the noise) and its soooooo cute! Your dad and I were so excited that we had to take you to the zoo that weekend to show you the elephants. When you saw them you did your elephant too! So smart!
Since the weather has been nicer we have been able to get outside more and you love it. You love being outside, just running around, playing in the water, blowing bubbles, it realy doesn't matter you love being outside. You like swinging at the park and going down the slides too. Another thing you love is dancing. You will start dancing when music plays and its so cute. You swing your arms, sometimes you "get low" and move your hips, so hilarious. We even catch you dancing in the car, bobbing your head to your favorite, Raffi.
So this month you are in full out toddler mode for sure, exploring and grabbing everything you can, enjoying playing outside, singing, dancing and learning about the world around you. I can't wait to show you more and more everyday! I love you so much, Steven and you'll always be my baby boy!!