Friday, February 28, 2014
On Ode to our First House
Although the house on Longmont isn't technically the first house Steve and I ever lived in, it's really OUR first house. It's the first house we picked out together, it's where we lived when Steven was born and raised him for the first 3 years of his life. It's where we found out Logan was coming and where he lived for the first 4 months of his life. Even though we only lived there a short time, it was a very exciting and eventful time in our life! It's going to be sad to leave. (tear). SO I wanted to make sure to pay homage to this house and remember it for posterity.
Our house on Longmont has been through a lot with us in the short 4 1/2 years we've lived here. We've seen a 3 major storms go through the Maryland Heights area that affected our house twice. It's been through the finding out we were pregnant, birth and early years of our two boys! It's been through countless family parties, friends over for BBQs, playdates. and just good times hanging out. I remember I threw Steve's big 30th surprise birthday party a week or two after we moved in! That was crazy and stressful but so much fun. I'm sad to leave a house with such great memories, but happy and excited to be moving onto a bigger house with more room for our family. Excited to see what the next chapter holds!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
House Selling Update #2
We have been crazy busy lately because we are finally under contract on our house! Yay!! It was pretty crazy how it happened. After having our house on the market since July and having not that many showings, Steve and I were getting very antsy. And also sort of depressed. But all of a sudden we got a lot of requests for showings over MLK weekend. I think we had 4 or 5 that weekend. It was crazy! I think it might have to do with our agent took our 2013 listing off and put us on 2014 that first week in January so we showed up as a "new" listing...I have no idea. So anyway we had those showings that weekend and it was CRAZY! Juggling 2 kids and nap times and 3 dogs and trying to keep the house clean, it was just nuts. Luckily we have parents that are awesome and willing to help and our agent, Ellen (Steve's aunt) was awesome about helping too. She lives close and let us put our dogs at her house a few times so that's super nice.
Anyway, after those showings we really didn't hear anything. We heard back from one agent that they didn't really like our house, which is fine. But it got to be Wednesday of the next week and Steve and I were really disappointed that we hadn't even gotten good feedback. Then all of a sudden, we got a phone call from Ellen (who happened to be the Bahamas!) saying we got an offer!!! Steve and I were so excited!! After a tiny bit of negotiating, we had a contract! And we set the close date on March 6th which means we had to be OUT.
Steve and I looked at houses a bit when we put our house on the market but now it was ON. We really needed to find a place to live. We didn't want to rush it and wanted to make a really good long term decision and investment. But we also had about 6 weeks to find somewhere to live! Steve's parents offered to let us live there but about a week before we got the offer we found out Steve's brother Matt and his girlfriend, Ruty and her sons Eli and Micah would be coming to live with them for a while. So we really didn't want to move in there unless we had to. It would be super crazy.
So Steve and I spent the next 2 weekends looking all over for houses. The problem was we weren't sure where we wanted to even live. So that gave us way too many options! We eventually narrowed it down to St. Charles/St. Peters area (even though I super loved a house in Creve Coeur). It seemed that my parents would be moving that way and Steve's parents live that way(ish) and a lot of our friends as well. We also really loved the area and what we could get for the money there as well as the good school districts. So West we went!
We looked at a LOT of houses. Some were too far for me but were beautiful and cheap so that was a tough decision. Some Steve loved but I didn't and vice versa. I really wanted to find something that had it all, a good investment, great house and one that we both really loved. And we finally did find that house!
It was kind of crazy. Ellen and I were looking for houses on a Friday I was off work and Steve was working. Her best friend's daughter and her husband were selling their house in St. Charles. The husband got a job in Texas so they needed to move. Ellen was listing their house for them and she just asked me if we could stop by since we were in the area so she could put her sign in the yard. Of course I said ok. When we got there my jaw just dropped. It is BEAUTIFUL! It's an atrium ranch which means the entire back wall is windows. It sits up on a hill and the view is beautiful! They have a gorgeous deck that runs the entire back wall of the house. It has an open floor plan with a finished basement with lots and lots of room. It was really just perfect and I knew Steve would love it too.
While we were there, the homeowners were there and I tried to keep on my poker face but as soon as we got in the car, I said, "Ellen, get me in that house!!" I thought we could never afford it but turns out they wanted to list it for not too far from what we had expected to pay. So we took Steve there the next day and he fell in love too. I was getting so nervous because I really wanted him to like it but he super did. He just kept walking around saying, "wow!" It really is a neat house with a ton of cool features and SPACE. Which is something we are really lacking at our current house. So Steve and I considered all the options and decided to put in an offer on this house. Since Ellen would be the agent for both parties it was so easy. She talked to them and got an idea of a range they were hoping to get and what we were willing to pay. It was really so great to have her to help us. We put in an official offer Sunday and got a call back like 10 minutes later that they were going to accept! We were really surprised they didn't counter back but we weren't complaining!!
So Monday we had a signed contract on the new house and the ball was rolling! It is so crazy. What a whirlwind it has been since then. Inspections, appraisers, plumbers, electricians, contracts, title company, paperwork, ETC non stop! We are going to be able to do a simultaneous close on both houses on March 6th. So that's less than a month! OMG!
SO I guess you are wondering what this dream house looks like, eh?
Anyway, after those showings we really didn't hear anything. We heard back from one agent that they didn't really like our house, which is fine. But it got to be Wednesday of the next week and Steve and I were really disappointed that we hadn't even gotten good feedback. Then all of a sudden, we got a phone call from Ellen (who happened to be the Bahamas!) saying we got an offer!!! Steve and I were so excited!! After a tiny bit of negotiating, we had a contract! And we set the close date on March 6th which means we had to be OUT.
Steve and I looked at houses a bit when we put our house on the market but now it was ON. We really needed to find a place to live. We didn't want to rush it and wanted to make a really good long term decision and investment. But we also had about 6 weeks to find somewhere to live! Steve's parents offered to let us live there but about a week before we got the offer we found out Steve's brother Matt and his girlfriend, Ruty and her sons Eli and Micah would be coming to live with them for a while. So we really didn't want to move in there unless we had to. It would be super crazy.
So Steve and I spent the next 2 weekends looking all over for houses. The problem was we weren't sure where we wanted to even live. So that gave us way too many options! We eventually narrowed it down to St. Charles/St. Peters area (even though I super loved a house in Creve Coeur). It seemed that my parents would be moving that way and Steve's parents live that way(ish) and a lot of our friends as well. We also really loved the area and what we could get for the money there as well as the good school districts. So West we went!
We looked at a LOT of houses. Some were too far for me but were beautiful and cheap so that was a tough decision. Some Steve loved but I didn't and vice versa. I really wanted to find something that had it all, a good investment, great house and one that we both really loved. And we finally did find that house!
It was kind of crazy. Ellen and I were looking for houses on a Friday I was off work and Steve was working. Her best friend's daughter and her husband were selling their house in St. Charles. The husband got a job in Texas so they needed to move. Ellen was listing their house for them and she just asked me if we could stop by since we were in the area so she could put her sign in the yard. Of course I said ok. When we got there my jaw just dropped. It is BEAUTIFUL! It's an atrium ranch which means the entire back wall is windows. It sits up on a hill and the view is beautiful! They have a gorgeous deck that runs the entire back wall of the house. It has an open floor plan with a finished basement with lots and lots of room. It was really just perfect and I knew Steve would love it too.
While we were there, the homeowners were there and I tried to keep on my poker face but as soon as we got in the car, I said, "Ellen, get me in that house!!" I thought we could never afford it but turns out they wanted to list it for not too far from what we had expected to pay. So we took Steve there the next day and he fell in love too. I was getting so nervous because I really wanted him to like it but he super did. He just kept walking around saying, "wow!" It really is a neat house with a ton of cool features and SPACE. Which is something we are really lacking at our current house. So Steve and I considered all the options and decided to put in an offer on this house. Since Ellen would be the agent for both parties it was so easy. She talked to them and got an idea of a range they were hoping to get and what we were willing to pay. It was really so great to have her to help us. We put in an official offer Sunday and got a call back like 10 minutes later that they were going to accept! We were really surprised they didn't counter back but we weren't complaining!!
So Monday we had a signed contract on the new house and the ball was rolling! It is so crazy. What a whirlwind it has been since then. Inspections, appraisers, plumbers, electricians, contracts, title company, paperwork, ETC non stop! We are going to be able to do a simultaneous close on both houses on March 6th. So that's less than a month! OMG!
SO I guess you are wondering what this dream house looks like, eh?
I can't wait!!!
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This is the kitchen. Isn't it pretty? We don't even have a table for that breakfast area. ha ha! |
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Logan at 4 Months
Four months old already, baby boy! Time sure flies!
You are growing by leaps and bounds each day and I'm trying so hard to savor the little moments because I know they go so fast!
This month you have really become in tune with the wold around you. You're noticing everything lately. When we go into a new room or a new place you look around intently at everything. You're really focusing on things too. You love to grab onto things within reach as well. You're really great at batting the toys above your bouncer and in your car seat. It's so neat to see you starting to do that.
Some people might say you're vain but you love to look at yourself in the mirror lately. I can't blame you, you're the cutest baby around! It's so neat to see you focus on your image. When I look into the mirror too and smile at you, you immediately give me a big smile. It's so hard to get a picture of you smiling though because you focus on the camera or phone as soon as I get it out. I have to be sneaky!
You are such a happy, easy going baby lately. You love to smile and giggle when I tickle you. (And you are ticklish all over!) You've been very laid back lately, not very fussy at all with us. Which is so nice. I know the grandmas say you give them a hard time some days but at home you are almost always happy. You will cry when you need to be fed or get tired but that's understandable!
You're biggest achievement this month was rolling over! You have done it both directions from your back to your belly. You don't love tummy time so I wasn't sure if you'd be behind on this one but you managed to surprise me and rolled right over this month!
We thought you might have started teething this month because everything is going in your mouth. You love to chew on your hands or any other objects you can get to your mouth. You were drooling like crazy too in the beginning of the month but no teeth have come through yet. Which is fine by me!
You're favorite pastimes this month are trying to use your legs to stand. You love to do that when we support your arms or upper body, and your legs are so strong! You still love to follow your crazy brother around the room and he provides a lot of entertainment for you. You love to babble. You will talk and talk away, really loudly sometimes! It's so funny!
We made the big switch to putting you in your crib at night and you didn't skip a beat. You were sort of restless next to our bed all night so I thought maybe in your own room you would do better and I think you really do. You usually sleep a solid 5-6 hour stretch when we first put you down and then up to feed and sleep another 2 or so hours in the morning. You are regressing a little bit in putting yourself to sleep, we do have to rock you most nights but that could be the 4 month wakeful, teeth or just getting rocked more at the grandparents. You're still really not bad though and don't take a ton of help to put you to sleep so that's nice.
So 4 months old already! Time is really flying by! You have discovered your hands and batting at your toys. You're rolling over and babbling. You're a pretty easy going boy who loves to laugh and be tickled. You're sleeping in your crib now and doing great. We've had so much fun with you this month, Logan. Can't wait to see what next month brings.
yummy hands |
This month you have really become in tune with the wold around you. You're noticing everything lately. When we go into a new room or a new place you look around intently at everything. You're really focusing on things too. You love to grab onto things within reach as well. You're really great at batting the toys above your bouncer and in your car seat. It's so neat to see you starting to do that.
Some people might say you're vain but you love to look at yourself in the mirror lately. I can't blame you, you're the cutest baby around! It's so neat to see you focus on your image. When I look into the mirror too and smile at you, you immediately give me a big smile. It's so hard to get a picture of you smiling though because you focus on the camera or phone as soon as I get it out. I have to be sneaky!
You are such a happy, easy going baby lately. You love to smile and giggle when I tickle you. (And you are ticklish all over!) You've been very laid back lately, not very fussy at all with us. Which is so nice. I know the grandmas say you give them a hard time some days but at home you are almost always happy. You will cry when you need to be fed or get tired but that's understandable!
You're biggest achievement this month was rolling over! You have done it both directions from your back to your belly. You don't love tummy time so I wasn't sure if you'd be behind on this one but you managed to surprise me and rolled right over this month!
We thought you might have started teething this month because everything is going in your mouth. You love to chew on your hands or any other objects you can get to your mouth. You were drooling like crazy too in the beginning of the month but no teeth have come through yet. Which is fine by me!
You're favorite pastimes this month are trying to use your legs to stand. You love to do that when we support your arms or upper body, and your legs are so strong! You still love to follow your crazy brother around the room and he provides a lot of entertainment for you. You love to babble. You will talk and talk away, really loudly sometimes! It's so funny!
Like father like son |
So 4 months old already! Time is really flying by! You have discovered your hands and batting at your toys. You're rolling over and babbling. You're a pretty easy going boy who loves to laugh and be tickled. You're sleeping in your crib now and doing great. We've had so much fun with you this month, Logan. Can't wait to see what next month brings.
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