Monday, August 30, 2010


So we found out this weekend that we are pregnant! It is a pretty big surprise. We have been talking about having a baby forever. We didn't plan this one though! We had stopped using birth control last year for financial reasons and decided to try out counting the days of my cycle and abstaining during my ovulations. That was working great for a year. I guess last month, someone miscounted because here we are. Here's how it happened:

Two weeks ago I noticed that I was really emotional. Some things that wouldn't normally upset me, really did to the point where I was crying one day at work. I counted and noticed that I was supposed to start my period that Friday so I thought that was the reason I was feeling so emotional and I didn't think anything of it. When the weekend came and no period I started to feel a little weird and double checked my counting. (I'm usually pretty regular down to the time of day when I get my period so being even a few days late was unusual for me). Last week went by with no period still and I started to get worried. I was gone on a business trip all last week so when I got home I told Steve and he immediately thought I was pregnant and wanted me to take a test. Luckily we had one at home and I took it. About 20 seconds later it said Pregnant! I was yelling at Steve that I was pregnant and we both started laughing and crying and hugging and we both just couldn't believe it. It was a really sweet moment and you could tell that he was excited, scared and all that as much as I was. :)

So today I made an appointment to see my doctor on Friday to confirm the pregnancy. I suspect I'm about 4 or 5 weeks along but we will know more on Friday. That's kind of a long time to wait to find out for sure!

So this weekend and today I started reading everything I can about pregnancy and what an expectant mom is supposed to do for a healthy baby. About a year ago this time we had a miscarriage so those worries and fears are coming back to me now. All I can do is hope for the best and pray and take the best care of myself I can. I will let you know after we see the doctor!