Favorite Things:
- You love to sing and dance still. This month it has definitely increased though. You will sing along with the radio or your kids CDs we play in the car. You will jump up and dance whenever anyone turns on music. You have some pretty good moves too!!
- You started wanting to play ring around the rosey this month too. Its really cute (and annoying after 10 times, love you).
- Stuff hoarding has started at this age. You have to have all 3 of your blankets from your crib and your Barney and Santa stuffed animals before bed. For a while you were wanting to have your pop-pop with you everywhere. That thing is not easy to try to cuddle with before bed!
- Your grandparents got you a red car to play with. You are obsessed with it and call it "my car". Here you are putting Barney and some other stuffed animals in the car to that them for a ride.
New Skills/Tricks:
- This month has been a trying one for us, buddy. You're definitely getting into the "terrible twos" of behavior. The beginning of this month you were really trying our patience with biting, hitting, etc. You are such an angel at daycare and with other people but for some reason you decided to test mommy and daddy at home with these behaviors. It was tough but I hope we've made it through the worst of that.
- Towards the end of the month our sensitive, fun, outgoing buddy was back. You have such a sweet personality and you will talk to anyone and give hugs to strangers. You love to cuddle with me on the couch reading books or watching a movie.
- We also had some success with potty training this month. You started to go pee regularly in the potty and some #2. You are officially diaper free for almost a week as I type this at the end of the month (with a few accidents). I hope that you continue to have success with that!
- You've really gotten much more demanding this month. You like to boss people around for sure. "Mommy, sit down NOW!" "Daddy, close door NOW!" are common sentences you say. We don't abide and make you say please instead of now which you sweetly do.
- This month you really have taken to expressing what you want. You will say "so tired" or "more sleep please" when you first wake up. You'll say "food please" or ask for the specific food you want when you get hungry. (Lately its been a lot of Peanut Butter Crackers...lol)
- You've gotten really curious about the world around you this month. Whenever we drive in the car you want to know "what dat?" and you love to shout out things you do recognize. "Balloons! Truck! Big Truck!!"
Big Events This Month:
- We spent Easter with family this month and that was very fun!
- We also had the family over to announce you becoming a big brother soon! I don't know how much you understand yet but you are so sweet. You will kiss the "baby" which is the ultrasound picture on the fridge. One time we were reading stories in bed and you said "I love you baby!!" to my belly! So I think you're starting to get the idea. I love you so much buddy!
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