Seems like I'm forever catching up here. Its so hard to find the time to upload pictures in "real time". And life has been craaaazy lately. We aren't too far behind so here goes. (Totally unrelated but isn't this pic of my little super hero adorable? ha!)
Pretty sweet cape. |
I have a new nephew you guys!! Steve's youngest brother Matt and his girlfriend, Ruty had a baby boy on July 4th. He is gorgeous!! We have gotten to see him a few times because they are staying with Steve's parents. They are actually leaving in a few days to go back to
Eastwind (its a commune and I linked it if you are interested). So I will be sad to see the little dude go. They don't have a name for him yet but just look at how precious he is!
Sorry for the weird lighting. |
So cute! |
Weird lighting all around. That's Ruty, the baby momma. |
Steven loves him already. He was really excited to hold the baby and he was actually really good with him. The next day he kept saying, "I hold baby, mommy." Super cute.
On the same note, to celebrate the baby's pending arrival we had a shower for Ruty just a week before she gave birth. It was really nice of Steve's mom to throw the shower for Ruty and for all his aunts and cousins to show up and bring gifts for the new baby. He really does have a super caring and supportive family.
We have also been staying busy working like crazy on our house because we are getting ready to put it on the market. Can you believe I just wrote that? Crazy! I know we've only been there 3 years but hear me out. That house is small, you guys. With moving Steven to his big boy room and keeping the nursery for the new baby we have used up all the bedrooms. We don't have a guest room anymore and just this week Steve's brother asked if he could stay with us while he's in town. Nope! Sorry, unless you want to sleep in the crib. Boo to that.
We might want to have more kids in the future so we thought we would put it on the market in 2 years or so and we asked our agent/Aunt Ellen to come look at our house to tell us what we should focus our money and energy on improving. Well she came over and was like you're house could go up now. So after the shock wore off Steve and I talked about it and were like, "Let's give it a shot!" If it doesn't sell we can be good to stay there for a while so why not give it a try?
So we gave ourselves a month to finish doing minor improvements she suggested, finish Steven's big boy room, finish the nursery, clean up the yard, etc, etc, etc. and then clean, clean, clean. So that has all been going great but its just been keeping us crazy busy! I'll let you know how it goes!
In other news Steven finished up his swim lessons, which he loved. The last day he was a really tired boy and was crabby but other than that he did really well. The last 2 weeks they had no parents in the pool and I was nervous for him but I think he did great. He came back to us after them and was so excited, "Mommy, I put my head underwater! I go swimming!!" It was super cute. We went to the Aquaport by us one time this summer already and I think we will be heading there again soon. He seems to really like the water now which is great.

In other Steven news we have officially finished his big boy room. I was going to do a separate post but I'll just shove it in here instead. Here's the finished product. We painted the room a tanish color, added his workbench and teepee along with his bookshelf. We ended up getting a toddler bed off craigslist (for like $10 hollar!) because the full size bed was taking up way too much space in there. And also, I think he really enjoys having the smaller bed.
Loving life :) |
I made the letters for his name. It was really easy and I really like how they turned out. Steven had a blast placing the decals my parents got him on the walls.
You can't tell but the paper on the letters is really cute. |
My parents also got him a construction theme blanket and pillow which are super adorable. I found another random truck pillow one day at target. So that ended up working out nicely.
View from the doorway |
I think Jordan is still planning to make him the set of 3 big truck pictures which we will hang over his dresser. So overall I think it turned out great and he seems to love it.
That leads me to my next update, since we finished his big boy room Steven has started sleeping in there in his toddler bed! That is very exciting news if you recall all the trouble we had with trying to transition him to that room earlier. But once we had his room finished and all set up he got really excited about it. He would play in there all the time and when people would come over he'd want to show them his "new room". It was really cute. He even asked to sleep in that bed so we decided to go for it. So far its been going really well. Steve is staying in there with him till he falls asleep because he will still get out of bed. But once he falls asleep he stays in there all night. So that's exciting!!
Whew that was a lot of news! If you're still with me then thanks for reading all that babble. Lots of exciting things going on with us lately.