Steve and I had our birthdays the past 2 weeks and we had a great time. Steve's birthday was first on August 6th. Since his actual birthday fell on a Tuesday, I wanted to make him a special birthday dinner. I asked him what he wanted and he said a devil's food cake (the kind with the white icing). So I thought, ok NBD. I can make that, right? WRONG! I found a recipe on Pinterest and it passed my usual test, picture looked good, didn't need to buy many ingredients. So I went to make it Tuesday during the day. It did not go as planned.
Just look at all the ingredients involved! |
It was labor intensive to say the least. I'm not the best baker but I can follow a recipe so I thought I could do this. The cake part was fine but the icing was a disaster. It never whipped up into peaks like it was supposed to and after about an hour had slid off the cake and was sitting in a puddle at the bottom of the cake plate.
Baking fail. |
At least Steven ate it. Steve ate a piece too because he is a wonderful husband but it really didn't taste that good or look good at all. So we threw the rest out. Oh well! (I'm buying a box mix next time).
I wanted Steve to have a special dinner so I asked him if he would like to pick out steaks at the butchers counter when we were at Schnucks. Boy, did he ever! He was so excited to get to pick out his steak! I had no idea it would bring him such joy but we will have to do it again soon! I also made roasted broccoli and scalloped potatoes. It was a pretty good meal overall.
I got Steve a game that he's been wanting,
Cards Against Humanity. Its sort of like a dirty version of Apples to Apples. We've played it with friends a few times and always have a good time. He seemed to like the present.
My birthday was next on August 16th. I had a great birthday! I got to spend the day with my friend Jenn. We had planned to sit by the pool on a hot August day but it really wasn't that hot that day (we've been having some really mild weather for August) and the pool was actually closed. Oops! So instead we went and got our nails done, did a little shopping and had lunch. It was a really good day!
Jenn actually brought me a cross-stitch blanket she has been working on for Logan. I think it took her 8 months to do it! It's so beautiful! I was super excited to get it and I'm lucky to have such a thoughtful and talented friend!
Isn't it gorgeous!! |
I got home in time to take a little nap before Steve came home and we picked up Steven from daycare. We went to my parents for a BBQ dinner and that was really nice and delicious. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures (bad blogger) but it was really yummy! We had ribs, kabobs, baked potatoes, broccoli and ice cream cake! YUM! My Aunt Jan was actually there too and it was really nice to get to hang out with her.
Steve got me a pair of Tom's for my birthday. I've been wanting a pair of these shoes forever but could never justify spending that much on shoes for myself so I was really excited he got them for me for my birthday. So far they are super comfy like everyone says.
So I think its safe to say we both had great birthdays this year (despite the fact we are both getting older, wah!).
Glad you liked the blanket - and I like the color of those TOMs!