Eight months has been a big time for you, Logan! You are done so much developmentally this month. It's crazy how fast you will move from one skill to the next. I wish you would slow down a little, buddy!
All smiles! |
At the beginning of the month you were still working on crawling and scooting/rolling your way around. Then you decided you wanted to pull yourself up and see what was going on around you.
We had to help you pull up but it wasn't long (just a few days) till you were strengthening those legs and pulling up on your own. You would even use your mouth to try to get a grip and pull yourself up. Now, you can mostly pull up on your own and you can stand with little assistance. You are still wobbly but you hate to sit still now. You want to be standing all the time and will pull up on everything around.
This month you also started really working on feeding yourself. You were grabbing at food before but having a hard time getting it to your mouth. Well this month you have no trouble grasping at food and bringing it to your mouth. Even small things like puffs are no problem and you get them in your mouth most of the time.
Another big accomplishment for you this month has been getting your first tooth! The bottom middle tooth finally started poking through this month. It gave you a hard time! You were in pain so bad, we could just tell it was hurting you. You were not your normal, happy self for a few days dealing with that. Hopefully the first one is the worst one and you will be ok from now on.
So excited about the teeth! |
Look at those teefers! |
Besides teething you have been a really happy baby this month. You are very playful and love to play peek a boo and get tickled and giggle. You are still very interested in your surroundings and almost hate to be given a bottle because you can't see what is going on around you!
You got to play with cousin Emelia this month! |
You are still really interested in your brother and want to be near him a lot. Steven has taken an interest in making you smile and laugh and you just love that. You are sometimes a bit cautious around him still but that's understandable because he can still be a bit too rough. He just can't wait to play with you though and you two are going to be so much trouble, I can already tell.
My boys! |
Logan you are just growing by leaps and bounds. Its incredible how fast you are growing, I think you might even beat your brother to walking, which is crazy! You are still just the sweetest, happiest baby (except when you are teething). I can't wait to see what fun stuff we can get into this summer!
Naptime?! What? |
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