Lots of things going on this week! I was on travel for work in San Diego, which was nice and warm for a change. I also came down with a cold at the end of last week so that was a bummer. In St. Louis the weather has been completely loco! We have had so much snow and ice this winter its crazy. They even had to cancel work one day the weather was so bad. Can you believe it? But I think traveling actually helped me out because I started to feel much better once I reached the warmer weather. So that was nice! The conference was another story...but its over! Yay!
As far as me and the baby, we are doing great! Like I said last week the belly is finally getting in my way. It is hard for me to lean forward when I'm sitting down. It puts pressure on my belly. I like to sit Indian style and lean forward when watching TV but I can't do that anymore! This belly is getting out of control! Unfortunately, since I was out of town all week we didn't get a belly picture. Sorry! I promise to put one up next week.
Last weekend before I left, I got a chance to work on a project for the nursery with Steve's mom, Gabby. It was so fun! She is so amazing and crafty. She is embroidering a banner for the baby's room. I couldn't decide what to do over the crib and she suggested a banner. What a great idea! We got to work on it together and it is so cute! I can't wait to show everyone!! The baby's room is going to be the nicest room in the house! ha ha!
This week the baby has continued to move around a ton. The baby is now opening and closing his eyes and his eyelashes have developed. He can see light through my belly now! How weird is that? He is developing millions of tiny neurons for his brain. Go baby go! Here's how he's looking this week:

Since we are both super excited for the baby, we picked up a couple of cute outfits for the baby on clearance at Old Navy. I let Steve pick some out and look at the cute stuff he got!
Ha ha! I guess its pretty obvious he picked those out. We couldn't believe we found a Colt's shirt at our Old Navy here in St. Louis. Score! It was like $2 too. Awesome!!
Exciting Moment of the Week: Getting to work on the nursery banner with Steve's mom was really great. She is so creative and it is so neat to watch her work. I got to see a little bit about how to embroider and it was so fun! I can't wait to see how the banner turns out!
What I am Missing this Week: Honestly, I was missing my hubby this week! I was gone from Monday through Saturday afternoon for work and that was a long time to be without him. ha ha! How sappy!
Symptoms this Week: Biggest new symptom this week is this big belly I'm growing getting in the way. Its hard to have to sit back in every chair and not be able to lean forward when you normally would. Oh well, I guess I will get used to it!
Obsessions this Week: I'm not obsessed but I am getting really excited for the upcoming weeks. We have birthing classes and baby showers and lots of fun stuff coming up to look forward to. I'm getting very excited about those things!
Message to the Baby: Baby, we can't believe how big you are getting in my belly! Its getting closer and closer to the time when we get to meet you! I can't wait till that happens. I hope you continue to develop and grow and are just as healthy as can be!
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