Have you guys heard that song? Its totally rad...even though the video is super weird. Check it out.
Dog days are over is also a good way to describe the changes that are going to happen in our house over the next few months. For about 3 years now our puppies have been the apple of our eye. We have called them our babies and spoiled the rotten. Well they are in for a big surprise because a real baby is coming soon!
One of the first tips we heard was to let the dogs in the baby's room before he is born. They say its important for that new room not to be a mystery to the dogs once the baby comes. Of course, when he comes they will only be allowed in there if we are in there with them. But for now, we are letting the dogs sniff everything they want to in that room so they get comfortable with the changes in "stuff" in there.
Probably the tip we heard the most was to bring home one of the baby's blankets from the hospital and let the dogs smell it before we bring the baby home. This is supposed to get the dogs used to the baby's scent before we bring him home. We plan to do that.
Another tip was to make sure and set aside some special time for each pet, to make sure they don't feel abandoned or slighted after the baby comes. Of course, we won't be able to devote the time and energy to the dogs they are used to but we are going to try our best to pay attention to each of them everyday so they won't get mad at the baby. After all we are their mommy and daddy too! Besides how could you not find some time to cuddle these adorable faces?
We've already made some changes around here to get ready for the baby. We used to let the dogs cuddle on our bed and even let Freckles sleep with us at night. We have stopped that a few months ago and it seems to be going fine. We don't want any accidents with a dog jumping up on the bed if the baby is on there too. They have adjusted well to this change and we hope they will have no problem adjusting to the other changes when the baby comes!
I'm sure we will have much more adjusting to do when the baby comes but hopefully we can all become one big, happy family!
Wish us luck!
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