You have also really started working on walking this month. You have taken a few steps on your own and have taken a lot of steps walking in between people. You are still a little too scared to take steps on your own though. When you get ready to, mostly you freak out and sit down, then crawl like mad. Too cute. I'm sure you will get sick of this crawling thing and walk on your own soon. You have been doing a great job walking with us holding onto just 1 finger though. So big!
This month you have mastered crawling up our stairs. I can't believe how quickly you picked up that skill! You can crawl up our large set of stairs all by yourself, no help! Its incredible!
Another adorable thing you do this month, probably related to our attempts to get you walking, is clapping for yourself. Everytime you take a step or two, you sit down and clap for yourself. You'll do it at other random times, which is so cute.
You will also, sit and play by yourself pretty well at this age. You just love to press buttons on your toys that make music and you'll dance to yourself, unless we are dancing with you! You will also sit and page through a book by yourself. You really have gotten into books this month which is great!!
You're still babbling/talking a lot this month. One new thing you do now is say "ruff" whenever you hear a dog barking. Its adorable!! You are also repeating a lot of sounds, for example when we say "moo", you'll do your version of mooing. We are talking about a lot of animal sounds lately and you've been picking up on that like crazy. You have a few "words" that probably we only understand but you're saying, bye bye, hello, bottle, up, mama, dada (those 2 are pretty clear). Yay! So smart!
Another development this month is a new tooth! Your top front tooth started coming in, just on the right side. It looks like its really hurting you buddy but I'm glad some more teefers are starting to show up for you. Your hunger strike this month continues, maybe due to teething pain? Hopefully we can get you back to eating food soon! (and not just throwing it on the floor)
So 11 months old already and you are up to all sorts of shenanigans! You are walking when you feel like it, crawling like crazy, getting a new tooth, making some new sounds and words, clapping for yourself and just growing like a weed!! Hard to believe your 11 months already, buddy. One more month until you have been with us for an entire year! This has easily been the best year of our lives. You are such a joy to us everyday!
What a fun post! It's gotta be exciting that he's almost a year now. I hope your progress on his bday party is coming along well :)