In awesome news from the Riegerix household I believe our hunger strike is over! Steven is eating finger foods again! Hollllla!! Here baby boy is reaffirming his love of broccoli. Awesome.
Steven still loves bath time. I mean how cute is he! We got him that floaty toy that sprays water and he loves chasing it around the bathtub. Ah, to be a kid. :)
So we let this wild man loose on a mall play indoor play area Saturday. He loved it! He was chasing around all the other kids and climbing like crazy. I couldn't get a decent picture because he wouldn't stand still! We'll definitely be checking these areas on our next trip to the mall.
On Saturday I took an art class with my good friend, Jenn. It was crazy crayon art. Pretty cool! Look what I made for Steven's play room.
Then Saturday night I went out in St. Charles with some friends. Very fun!! Here are some of my girls, Jenn and Erica! Good times.
And another...dang we're hot. And what's up with the scrunchy face? ha!
Sorry for the lack of pictures this week...I'll try to be better next week.
Yay - we had a lot of fun on Saturday!!