Tuesday, January 7, 2014

December Happenings

Happy December! I'm usually a big fan of decorating for Christmas but with planning to move and trying to keep the house clean I wasn't sure if I would even get out decorations this year. But when we drove around and started seeing Christmas lights and decorations and Steven was SUPER into it I had to get ours out! Steven was so cute this year ohhing and ahhing at the lights and decorations we would see places. One night we pulled up to our house in the dark and he said, "Why my house has no lights?" ha! Busted! So momma had to decorate.

He actually wanted to help me decorate the tree this year and he was helpful for a few minutes. Then he got bored with it and we played mommy puts on the ornaments while Steven takes them off for a while. So that was fun! ha ha! But really he was very interested in the ornaments this year. He asked about a few of them and wanted to examine them while the tree was up.

The end result. Not too shabby.
The morning after we put the tree up something cute happened. On the weekends, usually Steve wakes up early with Steven and Logan and I get to snooze a bit more. Steve usually takes Steven downstairs so they can make noise and not wake us up. Well Steve said Steven wanted to be by "his Christmas tree" and wouldn't go downstairs. Isn't that cute?

We've actually had a really mild winter so far. We had some warmish days (50s, 60s) too, which is so weird for St. Louis winter. We finally did get our first snow of the year in December though and it was chilly that day!
My boys snuggling on a chilly day
Steven and I really enjoyed playing in the snow together. It is not daddy's thing to play in the snow so he stayed inside with Logan. It was great snow man making snow but all Steven wanted to do was knock down any snow man attempts I made. Oh well, we still had fun.

I guess play houses are fun to climb in the snow?

Another thing we did in December was go to Breakfast with Santa in Manchester with my parents. That was really fun. Steven started to notice Santa a lot more this year and was really excited to see him. That was a big improvement over last year when Steven was interested but terrified of Santa. He didn't even cry when he was on Santa's lap! I could tell he was a bit freaked out but he held it together. I was proud of my brave boy.

Kind of a goofy Santa but oh well.
Logan, of course, had a blast.

Halfway decent family shot while waiting in line for Santa.
Thank you grandma!

Steven and Grandma

My boys with Santa! Their first Santa picture together. So sweet. Although Santa looks like he might be napping but I'll take it.
We meant to do other Christmasy stuff this month but it got chilly during the weekends and time just got away from us! We wanted to hit up the Wild Lights at the Zoo but it wasn't open on the warmer days. We did take a ride down to South City to see the lights at Candy Cane Lane and got Ted Drewes after. That was fun!
Hope everyone had a good Christmas season!

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