Three months old already, little man! This past month with you has been so much fun! You're little personality has started to show all the time and it's so sweet. You are just the cuddliest, happiest boy lately! You give big smiles and big belly laughs now! You prefer to be held and love it when someone picks you up. You cuddle right into them and it's super sweet. You prefer to be held upright though and you usually make that known!
You've started really interacting with your environment this month and it is so much fun to see you developing those skills. You will follow mommy around the room with your head and eyes if I set you down. I've even caught you doing that with big brother too! Watching him run around like a crazy man can make your head spin!
You've started smiling like crazy! You do it all the time now and your favorite place is on the diaper changing table. You always smile big up at me when I set down you there. You love to be silly with me while I change your diaper and you give me some big smiles in anticipation of the silliness. This month I found out you are super ticklish under your chin and armpits and that is SO cute. You will give a big belly laugh or giggle when I tickle you there. It's adorable!
Silly goose! |
This month you have really stepped up your cooing and making other noises. We can sit and have "conversations" where I coo back at you and you return it with another noise. We can go on like that for several minutes. You have also started blowing bubbles and making gurgly noises, all of which are language development so I think you'll be a talker like your bro
and mom!
That face! So sweet. |
When I set you down in your swing or bouncer you have started batting at the toys hanging or grabbing at the things within your reach there. It is awesome to see you developing these skills. You still hate tummy time but we are trying to do it so your neck can get strong. It's pretty strong already and you hold your head up all the time. You started pushing up with your legs this month and you are pretty strong there too!
We had your first Christmas this month and it was so fun! You were pretty sick (more on that later) but it was really sweet to have you here for Christmas. I can't wait to see you and your brother next year when you are able to enjoy it more.
Sweet boy |
This month we had your first major sickness when you got RSV. Your brother brought it home and we all got it. It was super sad to hear you coughing and gagging, especially at night. Yuck! We ended up in the hospital because you weren't breathing correctly, stopped eating well and got a fever. Scared your mommy! That was not a fun 4 days at St. Lukes but you got great care and I'm so glad we were there. After we went home we still had some sleepless nights and some nights of sleeping on and off holding you up right but you are mostly better now. That is a good thing because I did not like to see you feeling so bad and I'm sure you didn't like feeling that way either.
Such a cute patient. |
So you are 3 months old now, little man. You are getting stronger every day and paying more attention to the world around you. We had your first Christmas and hopefully will have a much healthier one next year!
Twinkies! |
We just love you so much, Logan!
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