Monday, April 7, 2014

Logan at 6 Months

This had been a big month for you Logan! You have been busy growing by leaps and bounds.

You were grabbing everything we would be eating and really reaching out for food. Since it was close to your 6 month make I decided to try giving you some real good. You weren't too impressed with the solid food. I think you were mostly still figuring out exactly how to grip it and hold it to your mouth. That's tricky stuff!

First solid foods!

So I decided to try some rice cereal mixed with breast milk and you've been loving that so far. We do a small serving of that at dinner now and you eat it all up! Steven never cared much for the cereal but you open your mouth right up and fuss a bit if I try to leave while feeding you. Guess you are a growing boy!

You really didn't love the sweet potatoes. LOL

You mastered a big skill this moby, sitting up unassisted. Your daddy worked with you one morning and you finally got it! You had been getting close for a while but couldn't quite get the balance right to keep from falling over. But now you've got it!

So big!
Daddy also took some selfies because he was so excited! ha ha
Selfies with daddy!
It's so fun to see you sitting up like a big boy. You can really interact with your brother better this way too. Which is do great because he just cracks you up like crazy. 

On the subject of your brother you are loving hanging out with him lately. You get really distracted when nursing if he is jumping around like a mad man. You strain your head and neck to watch him. You pretty much follow him around the room by moving your head and neck whenever you can. 

Since you are getting more interactive, Steven is loving it. He requests to play with you and shows you toys (and takes them from you sometimes). You just love attention from your big bro. You will laugh and smile and giggle at him. It's so sweet and melts my heart to see the relationship blooming between you two.

Besides eating some solids and sitting up this month you've pretty much mastered sleeping through the night as well. You have occasional nights where you'll cry but we know something must be off because you usually sleep from when we put you down around 8pm to 6am. I LOVE that. Thank you so much Logan. Mommy really appreciates it.

Happy boy!
All month I just keep pinching myself with how good of a baby you are. You are so chill and roll with the punches. You are content usually to sit in your bouncer or to play near where we are doing something. You don't hardly ever fuss and you do so well putting yourself to sleep. We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

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