Logan, this month you have really stolen my heart! You are such a sweet baby, it's such a pleasure to get to take care of you! You mostly go with the flow with everything. You are easy-going and happy a lot of the time. You put up with a lot of rough housing by your brother and he just cracks you up. Sometimes he is too rough with you and it really doesn't seem to bother you that much. We don't get to hold you as much as we want to because we have your crazy brother to deal with a lot of the times, but you really don't seem to mind too much. You will play on the floor by yourself happily or in the bouncer.
He's such a cutie! |
Speaking of playing on the floor, you can really make a mess! I'm genuinely amazed at the amount of mess you are able to create just sitting next to a basket of toys. You love to tip over the basket and get all the toys out and throw them around. When I took you in for a Dr. appointment you managed to tear up the paper sheeting they had down on the exam table in like .2 seconds. It was incredible! ha ha. I think you have a bit of the troublemaker your brother you got in you too!
Boo! |
You are so good at self-soothing. You love to have your binky and for the longest time you couldn't keep it in your mouth. Now you have figured out how to hold the binky in your mouth with your hand! It's so adorable. Towards the end of the month you have figured out how to hold it in with just your mouth but it is just so sweet to see you holding in your own pacifier.
You are pretty good at soothing yourself to sleep as well. I love rocking you, now that we have a rocking chair in your room it is a sweet moment between us at the end of my hectic day. You are such a sweetheart and usually can find a comfortable position right away and just doze off to sleep. A lot of times when I lay you down, you will startle or wake up but you will put yourself back to sleep on your own usually. You are still mostly sleeping through the night and that's AMAZING. After your 6 month shots, you cried at night and I knew something was wrong. Poor guy, those shots really threw you for a loop. But generally you wouldn't cry if something wasn't really wrong.
This month you have really started to try to get mobile. You get to spend some time every week at Grandma Riegerx's with Micah who is crawling. So I think that motivates you to get going. You have started moving your legs and reaaching for things when you are on your tummy. But mostly that results in you rolling over and looking darn cute. I know you will get crawling any day now. You actually crawl in your sleep I think because sometimes you will cry and I will see that you are jammed up in the corner of your crib and your legs are still moving. So cute. Even at 4am that's pretty cute.
At the zoo! |
You love to practice standing up holding onto something. You're not steady enough for me to let you go but you love to practice and I think you get a kick out of the new viewpoint. I wonder if you will crawl or go straight to walking like your brother.
Logan does Target |
This month you have really picked up your babbling. You babble all the time and its starting to actually sound like words. You will babble "Ba" a lot and a few other sounds. Before it was just sort of incorherent noises but now I can tell you're trying out sounds that make words. We babble to each other in the car on the way to and from Grandmas. I love it. You "say" something and I make that sound back to you and we go back and forth for a while.
Logan, its hard to believe you are already 7 months old. Where has the time gone? You are just the sweetest, happy baby with the best temperament. It is truly a joy to be with you and get to take care of you. You had a really productive month, learning to make sounds, hold in your binky with your mouth and hand and working on crawling! We love you so much!
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