Steven, you are turning three this weekend. But it feels like you should be turning 4 or 5! You have always been more mature than your age developmentally and also you have always looked older. It sort of feels like you've been 3 for a while now. Sometimes I think you might be a teenager! You act so old and big.
So proud of his school work. |
You are really wanting to do a lot of things by yourself these days and you can do so much! You can get dressed by yourself, you can even put on your slip on shoes. Sometimes you put them on the wrong feet but you are quick ot fix it. You go to the bathroom all by yourself sometimes. I will walk by and you'll be coming out pulling up your pants, toilet flushed and everything correct. You are getting so good at cleaning up your toys by yourself. You even take your plate to the sink after dinner. Recently you figured out how to turn on the TV, turn on Netflix and even how to put in and take out a DVD! It's crazy!
On the other hand you have a temper! You run from emotional highs and lows very quickly, which I think is really normal for your age. The smallest thing can set you off into a temper tantrum with screaming and crying. Sometimes when you get determined to have something your way you can be SO stubborn! For instance if you want mommy to put on your shoes and I won't (because I know you can do it by yourself) you will cry and scream and be so determined to win that fight! You are persistant for sure!
Vegging out. |
You have a really sweet side to your personality as well. You will do sweet things for other kids like give them their coat if they forget or comfort them if they are crying. You get really concerned when other kids are upset and that is so sweet. You will cuddle with me and give me spontaneous kisses and hugs. I love it! You get sick of mommy always attacking you with kisses though and I can see my baby boy growing up in that way.
3 years old! |
As you can see, you have many sides to your personality. You are equal parts rough and tumble and sensitive and sweet. You love to climb, jump and run and be silly. You also love to sit and play with my jewlery or makeup for pretend. Your favorites right now are Spiderman and My Little Pony. I love that you are diverse in your interests and I am just encouraging you to explore everything right now.
My boy. |
Steven, you have developed into such an amazing big brother. You LOVE Logan and it is so sweet to watch you develop a relationship with him. You want to be around him all the time now. You love to help us hold his feed him or go get a bottle or blanket. You will go get his pacifier all on your own when he is crying. You share your toys with him and give him kisses in the morning and kisses goodbye. When we bring him to your daycare to pick you up and the other kids swarm him, you will protect him. It is so sweet.
Brotherly love. |
You love to make your brother laugh and you will be silly to get him to laugh. You are so proud of yourself whenever he does. You are just the best big brother to him already and I know you two will only get closer as he gets bigger and is able to play with you more.
Two goofballs in the morning. |
Three years old already, Steven, and you are an incredible kid. You have so many different facets to your personality as well as being incredibly smart and mature for your age. You always keep mommy and daddy on their toes. You are developing into an amazing big brother and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us all!
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