He was so excited. Pretty cute! :)
Here he is practicing for the game just in case Peyton needs him. LOL
So this weekend we made the trip. Indy is pretty close to St. Louis, only 4 hours on mapquest or 3 hours if Steve is driving....
So we set off on Saturday morning. The game wasn't until Sunday night but we thought we would hang out in Indy for the weekend and check out this city. Here's Steve practicing his safe driving skills....
Here we are passing into Indiana. We really got there in no time at all. I only had to ask him to stop about 2 times to pee. That's pretty good for a sick pregnant lady if you ask me.
I barely caught a glimpse of the sign as we zoomed by..LOL
We used Priceline to get a really great hotel room for super cheap. So that was nice. This was actually in the lobby of our hotel. We stayed at a Marriott downtown about a half mile from the stadium. It was great. On Sunday we had planned to go to the Indianapolis Zoo but the weather was calling for rain all day and with a $15 entry fee we thought that was a no go. Maybe another time. But we did stumble on the Indy Irish Festival a few blocks from our hotel so we thought we'd check that out.
It was pretty cool. They had some Irish Musicians.
And authentic (I guess) Irish food. It was really weird, although we did try the blackberry cobbler which was awesome. Even Steve wouldn't eat this thing:
And, of course, lots of Irish beer, which made Stevie very happy. :)
I even wore green! (on accident, I mean I planned it :)
So later that night it was time to get ready for the big game!!
Steve was super excited. It was so worth it to see him so happy!
Our hotel was so close we walked to the stadium.
Our seats were super close too...ha ha NOT! They were so expensive. Close seats were about $500 each! Crazy. But Steve did go stand by the field. Look how close he is to Peyton!! So exciting! It was an awesome game. The stadium is super nice. The fans were so nice too. This one guy in front of us kept giving us high fives LOL. Everyone was very pumped up. It was so loud in there! It was crazy! The Colts played awesome and won!! We had a great time!!