So then I went to the lab to get my bloodwork and they had no idea who I was or why I was there. It was just awful. So now we get to come back in a month and try it again. I hope they are more organized this time. They are going to make a pregnant lady go crazy!
Other than that week 8 has been mostly just more tired, nauseous and feeling yucky. I have started to develop that gross taste in my mouth which is awesome. I also caught this nasty virus and have been really sick for the past few days. Its been awful being pregnant (already tired and cranky) and now sick and feeling really yucky all the time. Plus, I've started full throttle throwing up now. It sucks. Let. Me. Tell. You. Ugh. Every time I brush my teeth in the morning its time to gag and vomit. Gross, gross, gross. So this past week hasn't been so glamorous...LOL
Anyways, our little baby is growing like crazy now. Just look at him go!

Exciting Moment of the Week: Getting to see you with your little arms and legs waving all over the place at the doctor's appointment. You are starting to really look like a baby now and not just a blob.
What I am Missing this Week: Sleep!! Big time! Its so hard to sleep when you are sick and stuffy nose, etc, etc. I stayed home from work to try to get better but I guess its harder to get better with this baby and not taking any medications. I'm hoping to rest this weekend and get back to normal soon!
Symptoms this Week: Like I said lots of barfing and nasty mouth stuff going on. Still having the soreness of the boobs and all that other jazz but this week the nausea has definitely stepped it up. :(
Obsessions this Week: Just trying to survive, honestly. I haven't had much time to think or do anything so staying alive and trying to keep some food down has been my goal.
Message to Our New Baby: We are so excited to meet you! We hope you are doing ok, even though I can't seem to keep anything down for you lately. I hope you aren't feeling as yucky and sick as I am. We love you!!
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