Last week was tough as far as nausea and just feeling generally yucky. Oh and the super duper tiredness. Without caffeine to help, I struggle to stay awake at work and when I get home at 5:30pm I barely can force myself to fix some food and zone out on the couch for a few hours before crawling into bed. I have heard that the tiredness will go away after the first trimester, but it is in full force now that's for sure!
We told our parents last week and they were both super excited! My parents took it much better than I expected them to and that is great! We spent some time with other family this weekend too but just felt like it was too early to tell anyone else. We want to find the right time for the big announcement. Plus we were celebrating other occasions and I really don't want to take the focus off of anyone else's day.
I dragged Steve to a consignment sale on Friday. When I was a nanny, I had always heard about these awesome sales that only come around a few times a year where you can get great bargains for cheap. I always kind of heard they are secretive and hard to get into. I found one on a site on thebump.com and signed up to go to the "New Mom's" Presale. I was super excited and with my ticket in hand Steve and I showed up around 5pm on Friday. Well the presale started at 4pm and I learned my lesson with this one. We should have been there at 3:45pm! By the time we got there there weren't that many people (or stuff) there but everything good had already been taken and stacked in a neat pile to the side to gloat at me. I saw tons of good stuff that I would have loved to grab if we had only been an hour earlier! Plus, since we don't know the sex of the baby yet, it was really hard to buy most things as they were obviously tailored for a boy or a girl. We did have our eyes on one electronic swing (that vibrated and played music) in a cute brown pattern but a lady had already put a hold on it. It was only $15 bucks! Can you believe that amazing deal? We did manage to score some gender neutral things for cheap but I was left feeling a little cheated looking at all the good deals I could have had! Oh well. Here are some pictures of our finds:
We are going to see the doctor again on Friday so we are both looking forward to any new developments or advice he will have for us. I'm going to try to post developments and milestones and also a message to our new baby each week. (An idea I got from an awesome blog I've recently discovered: http://julia-transition.blogspot.com/)
Exciting Moment of the Week: Telling our Parents for sure. My mom almost cried which was so sweet. Steve's mom started yelling at the top of her lungs in the middle of a restaurant. (Which really isn't that unusual for her but it was still sweet:)
What I am Missing this Week: Definitely Caffeine. My morning coffee is surely missed as well as my afternoon tea/soda and evening caffeinated drink. I am so tired during the day and getting an extra kick from a caffeinated drink would be just amazing right about now. But I know its not good for the baby. I actually ready somewhere that large amounts of caffeine in the first trimester can contribute to miscarriage, so that settles it. Although I have been indulging in a piece of chocolate here and there because I just Cannot. Live. Without. It!
Symptoms this Week: Still super tired and kind of cranky. I'm still feeling generally nauseated and not able to eat a complete meal without getting sick to my stomach halfway through. This hasn't turned into full fledged vomiting, yet. So I'm still thanking my lucky stars. Also, I'm much more sappy and emotional lately. I suppose this is normal but crying at any commercials that involve a baby is a little excessive don't you think hormones!
Obsessions this Week: Baby Stuff! What else? I swear I picture our nursery about 25 times a day and have looked online at cribs and other nursery related things at least an hour a day. I am so excited to get the space ready for the new baby! We will definitely have to save up money for those things, but I'm having a ton of fun picturing them!
Message to our New Baby: We can't wait to meet you, baby! We hope you are enjoying yourself in there and momma is trying to be as healthy as can be for you! Keep growing! We are looking forward to seeing your grey blooby self again at the doctor this week! Everytime I think about hearing your heartbeat for the first time it makes me cry. :)
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