31 weeks of pregnancy done! I cannot believe I am that far along. That means we have about 9 weeks left until my due date (and hopefully the baby comes somewhere around there). Its crazy to think I have single digit weeks left in my pregnancy. It seems like just yesterday I was excited to be out of single digits. This time has flown by so quickly!! This week I was feeling pretty good. I stayed busy and had decent amount of energy. The belly is still getting in the way and having the urge to pee is getting more frequent than it was before. I think the baby is growing and pushing down on my poor bladder. We saw the doctor this week and he says everything looks great! The baby turned! Yay! So he's not breech anymore. That is a huge blessing. I hope he stays that way.
Also this week, Steve and I went to a breastfeeding class at St. Luke's. It was really informative! It was only for a few hours on a Saturday morning but I feel like I really learned a lot. The teacher was really great and answered all the questions we could think of. I feel a bit more comfortable with the idea of breastfeeding now. She is also one of 3 lactation consultants at the hospital so she may just be helping me get started breastfeeding after the baby is born!
This week the baby is starting to be able to turn his head from side to side. He is accumulating some fat on his body, arms and legs. The baby is also moving a ton this week (is he ever!) He looks something like this now:

Exciting Moment of the Week: Finding out the baby had moved to the right position was really exciting this week! At the last appointment our doctor said if the baby doesn't move we will have to schedule a C section. I was really bummed about that so I was so glad to see the baby had cooperated and moved into the right position.
What I am Missing this Week: Still missing a good night's sleep this week due to lots of kicks and more frequent (and urgent) having to pee at night. I'm thinking those days of a solid night's sleep are probably over though...
Symptoms this Week: This week the only thing that has really been bothering me is when the baby kicks consistently in one spot. Oh that is so painful. As well as the usual tiredness stuff but other than that we are doing great!
Obsessions this Week: This week I am totally obsessed with organizing the gifts we received at our shower. We finally got the pack n play assembled and I am getting everything else washed and put away and ready for this baby.
Message to the Baby: We are so excited to meet you in less than 10 weeks! Can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. We love you so much! Keep facing downward in there please!
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