Well turns out I hadn't seen it all and this family is really different. I have really come to love this show. The more I watch it the more I really like the women in the family and can see through their eyes the benefits of choosing this life for themselves. Don't get me wrong, I still have a ton of curious questions and know that I would never be able to make a choice like that. However, its really heartwarming to see how "normal" their family is, how much love they have for their kids and for each other and really what good people they all are.
One part of their story that really warmed my heart was about Meri, the first wife. She has one daughter and really wants to have more kids, but she has been unable to. Being in the relationship she is in, she is able to have 21 kids! She's also able to have her daughter grow up with other siblings, which is something she might not have been able to do if they were in a monogomous marriage. Also, she has the support of her other sister wives, who really are her best friends, and that just seems to be a great situation for her. I think that is really neat.
In the first episode of the new season, they have started to get into some trouble with the law for being public about their choice to live this way. Watching that episode really made me sad. I really felt for them about how scared they were to have their family torn apart. It made me really wonder why is polygamy illegal? I don't care if they want to have 4 wives. I don't really understand if their religion dictates that lifestyle why does the rest of society mind it so much? What do you guys think? I'm going to keep watching this season and will be interested to see how their legal troubles play out. Are any of you watching it?? What's your opinion of the family?
All I can say is 'I told you so' ;)