This week was really a lot better than last week. I was feeling pretty good and had a decent amount of energy. I'm getting super excited for the baby now that we have so much stuff for him!! I had a blast at the baby shower this weekend thrown by my mom. It was so much fun!! So many people came and lots of my family was able to make it. I feel so blessed.
We also went to the doctor this week for another checkup. Everything is great! The baby is still facing downward which is awesome. That means we can try for a vaginal birth as long as he continues to stay facing down. Baby is healthy and doing great. My blood pressure and weight are great. I am measuring about 1 week ahead but the doctor said that is not a big deal. So good news!
This week the baby's skin is smoothing out and his skeleton is hardening. He is continuing to gain weight and get longer by the day! Here's how he is looking now:

Exciting Moment of the Week: The baby shower at my mom's was just wonderful! It was so great to see everyone and have time to chat with them. It was really exciting to have everyone there to celebrate our new baby! We really are blessed with such amazing family and friends.
What I am Missing this Week: The weather this week has been a bit warmer and boy can I tell! I'm so glad not to be pregnant in the summer, I would be miserable! I'm missing my casual shorts that I used to be able to just throw on. Of course none of my "summer" clothes fit me but oh well.
Symptoms this Week: This week I've really started noticing that I have to pay attention to my belly when I do normal activities like getting up from sitting or sleeping or rolling over. I really have to take it slowly or my belly will put me all out of balance. Its something to get used to!
Obsessions this Week: This week we finally (finally!!) finished the nursery! I will do a separate post about that but it feels so great to have it done!
Message to the Baby: Baby, can you believe how many people love you already? So many wonderful people showed up to celebrate you coming. We are so blessed! I know you will love them all so much when you get here.
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