Halloween 2013 was awesome. This was the first year that Steven understood the concept of Halloween and it was so much fun. The older he gets and the more he understand the more fun we are able to have with him. We did a lot of fun activities in the weeks leading up to Halloween. Here are some highlights.
This picture is from a family dinner we had with the Riegerixes. Everyone asked to see Steven's Halloween costume so he went and got some of it. I thought it was so cute how Grandpa wanted to dress up too.
This was the first year we went to Boo at the Zoo. I had heard good things so I wanted to check it out with Steven. We went with the Julie and her two boys as well. Steven just loves Jake. It's totally adorable.
Cheeseballs |
Daddy wore the extra pirate costume and Steven just loved being dressed up like daddy. Don't they make some pretty cute pirates?
Steven really enjoyed Boo at the Zoo. I think the part he liked the most was hanging out with Jake, and having his sword. I think he killed every tree and bush in our path that night. LOL But really, it was a good time and we will probably go again next year.
We also went to the Fall Carnival they had in Manchester at Schroeder Park. We heard about it from my parents. They had games for the kids to play, a firetruck and a hayride. At first Steven was not into it and just wanted to play on the playground nearby. But once he realized you get candy for playing the games, he was in! We all had a really good time!
Playing a "toss" game by walking right up to the target. ;) |
Nice and cozy in the moby. |
Strike a pose |
The fire dept was there and had this big guy walking around. Steven thought that was super cool.
We also went to the Fall Carnival at Grandma Riegerix's church. We have gone to that the last 2 years and it's always a good time. This year the weather was really nice and not too terribly cold. They have a ton of blow up things to climb on. Steven got stuck in the obstacle course one and freaked out a bit. But we talked him down and got him to go down the giant slide. He loved that one. He went up and down it 20 times at least. Poor daddy had to go too.
Wee! |
Grandma was a teletubby...creepy. ;) |
Another great time with the moby.
They had games for the kids to play too and Steven played a few.
Winner winner chicken dinner. |
Every year we decorate pumpkins with Steven. I really thought this year would be the one where we'd have to finally carve them. (I've managed to get out of doing that the last 2). But when I explained to Steven about carving the pumpkins he said he wanted to just make the pirate pumpkin again. Score! No messy carving this year!
Carefully placing the pieces. |
Cheese! |
We also painted a pumpkin. I think he thinks that's the most fun.
All great works of art are made naked... |
Concentration |
So that was all of the fun we had leading up to Halloween this year. We did a lot of fun things this year!
looks like you had a fun Halloween season