"I like your dress, Daddy"
-Daddy was not wearing a dress, just to clarify.
"Like your hair, Mommy"
-Said as he swishes my hair all around my face into a rats nest.
"I like Zeusy."
-He's become really interested in Zeus this month, petting him, kissing him, "playing" with him a lot and luckily Zeus doesn't seem to mind.
"Don't lick me, Zora!"
"Have juice first?"
-We always make him drink milk in the morning before juice and every morning he tests the boundaries...LOL
"Birdies! Go see em?"
-He is obsessed with chasing birds lately. Which brings us to:
When you ask him what does a goose say? "Hssssss" ha ha!
26 Months:
"Mommy, I love chocolate."
"I poop on the floor." (Yep that happened)
"I need Daddy."
- He's becoming quite the daddy's boy.
"Mommy, you best friend me." and a few minutes later, "Daddy you are NOT my best friend. NOT." lol
27 Months:
"That's what happens." or "That's why, Mommy." When he spills something or something bad happens like a little accident. Where, oh where, did he get that from?
"Mommy loves me. Daddy loves me. Dinosaur don't love me."
"I don't like soda." I hope not, I hope he hasn't had it!

"Messy messy messsy!"
Also, "That'll be a mad mommy." LOL
28 Months:
He's gotten into playing with my jewelry. He would always hand me a pile of necklaces and say "Take care of your brother." Which was really weird and I didn't know what the connection was. Well I realized that he may be confusing necklace and Nicholas (Julie's baby and Jake's little brother). So funny!
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Before bed I brush his hair and he usually wants to brush my hair as well. Which is fine and he's super gentle with the brush. The other night he kept saying, "Say Ow Mommy." I was like "You're not hurting me, you're doing a good job being gentle." To which he responded, "Say OW, Mommy!" in a very firm voice. LOL
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