I've already finished The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy by Vicky Iovine.

The next book I'm reading is You're Pregnancy Week By Week by Glade Curtis and Judith Schuler.
So in the interest of being cheap, I ordered this book online from Half.com. However, I did not notice that I ordered the 5th edition published in 2007. Now they are up to the 8th edition and I'm not sure if I should spring for the newer one. There can't be that many updates right? I'm not sure what part of me is going to win out, the mothering side or the cheap side. But for right now I have this one so that's what I'm reading. I'm really liking it so far. I enjoy how it is broken down into weeks so you can just read a little at a time. It has several sections in each week and I like that. They have one for the baby's development and one for your development and symptoms you might be experiencing. They also talk about nutrition and give you tips for eating better. I am liking this one so far, I'll keep you posted.
I started reading Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy.
My friend, Julie, recommended it was a good book to read during pregnancy. It kind of turned me off because its more simplistic and brief than I thought it would be and also she has a ton of fart jokes. (Not saying I don't enjoy a fart joke but she has a ton.) So we'll see, I'll probably finish it because its an easy read and Julie loaned it to me (for free) :)
I also got a few other books from Half.com and I plan to read them soon. I also bought Baby Bargains by Denise and Alan Fields. This book came highly recommended on some pregnancy blogs I read. It is supposed to give you the tricks to getting good and safe things for your baby on the cheap. I'm not sure if its the type of book you read cover to cover or if its more for reference. I haven't gotten into this one yet, but I am excited to.
I also ordered The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvy Karp.
When I was a nanny all the moms were reading this book. I've heard its a great reference for how to help your baby sleep better and get to sleep on their own. They also have a DVD and I might get that later to watch with Steve. I'm hoping to have some tools in our arsenal before we have sleep problems and are super exhausted ourselves.
I have one more baby book that I actually got from the family I nannyed last year. They were going to sell it at a garage sale but she said I should have it. Probably because she knew I was baby crazy even back then! Its What to Expect the First Year. It has some things regarding pregnancy but mostly I think its about handling a newborn. I am planning to read this as well.
I want to order the Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears:
I'm not sure how granola-y we are going to be yet, but even if we do choose to go with the regular vaccine schedule for our baby this book will be a good reference. I'll let you know after I read it. I'm also looking forward to reading The Baby Book by Dr. Sears as well as The Attachment Parenting Book by Dr. Sears but I don't have either of those yet.
Other books I want to read but don't have yet: Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay, Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book by Dr. Jack Newman. All of those came recommended by other new moms and I think they will be good reference.
Wow, I guess I am doing a lot more reading than I thought! Well it never hurts to be too informed, right?
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