I've started obsessing over TLC shows about babies (much the same way I obsessed over wedding shows just a few years ago...but I digress). So those shows make me bust up crying every. single. time! Man, I feel like a pathetic pregnant lady when that happens. A hilarious thing happened the other day though! I was watching A Baby Story, on TLC where they follow a mom in the last months of her pregnancy and then through her labor. Well, Steve was around when I was watching it and sat down to talk to me right before the labor part (and believe me, they show it!). Well, when the baby came out, Steve, was hilarious! This is literally what he said:
"Oh my god! That is so weird!"
"Its like in the movie Alien."
"Oh man, that sucks for you!"
LOOOOL Thanks honey! Such a supportive husband I have! Well apparently he had never seen a video birth before, like never. So I guess that's not such a horrible reaction. It just cracked me up! Too funny.
Here's what the baby is looking like this week:

So in other 9 week news, we had a party for my Dad this weekend and decided it was a good time to tell our family. Everyone was so excited and supportive! It makes me feel so great that our family is excited and happy for us. Its a scary thing, and its great to know we have so much support!
Exciting Moment of the Week: Definitely seeing the reactions on the faces of our family when we told them. It is the best feeling to have people be so excited and happy for you. Oh and my mom freaked out when I showed her that we cleaned out our extra bedroom to make it the nursery. There isn't even one baby thing in there and she still freaked out. Too cute :)
What I am Missing this Week: Caffeine! Man, I am so tired in the mornings and some coffee with cream would really do the trick pretty please. I have been pretty good about not drinking caffeine this entire time except for 1 tea. I did have some Diet Coke this weekend at the party and man, it tasted so good. But its bad for the baby so we will not be having any more of that!
Symptoms this Week: Aside from the fatigue, tummy ache, feeling bloated, nausea and yucky taste in the mouth, and some constipation...I'm feeling great! LOL no really this week I have been feeling much better. I finally have started to kick that sinus/cold whatever the heck it was and that is helping a lot.
Obsessions this Week: Reading about baby stuff. I have been doing some research and find some books I want to read so I'm waiting for those to come in. I've finished the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy and while it was hilarious and totally made me crack up, I'm looking for some more "scientific" advice..Lol
Message to the Baby: Baby, we are so excited to meet you and found some other people who might be just as excited! You are going to have so much family love when you are born its not going to be funny! So lucky, already!
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