Our little guy is growing quickly this week. He has started developing his tissues and organs. They are growing and maturing everyday. Also, he has started kicking up a storm, even though I won't feel it for a couple months still. (Not sure if I'm looking forward to that yet...) His limbs can bend now and tiny nails are growing on his fingers and toes. Tiny fingernails people! How cute is that?! Here's how our baby peanut is looking these days:

Still looking sorta alien-like but getting bigger and stronger each day!
This week, we tried to wrap up telling all our friends and family. So that's been fun to hear how excited everyone is. I'm pretty sure Steve's entire family knows by now and they are so excited. Most of my family knows and they were psyched too. We have told most of our friends, but I haven't told my girlfriends at work yet for fear that it might get out at work before I get a chance to tell my boss. I feel sort of bad for not telling them and I hope they can forgive me when I do tell them. I think they will understand. I am planning to tell my boss on November 2nd, that is the day we have a scheduled one-on-one meeting. I am thinking that will be great timing, I should be out of my first trimester and we will have a chance to talk about it. But that also makes me super nervous. I think they will be ok with it, but you never know!
Other developments this week, I got to go Maternity clothes shopping with my mom this weekend. That was awesome! It was so exciting to try on Maternity clothes! I felt so mom-like and it was just a surreal feeling to be needing these clothes and wearing them. I guess this pregnancy thing is for real! She got me a ton of clothes and I am so appreciative for that! I am wearing some now and let me tell you, they are so much more comfortable than my other clothes. Even though the scale says I've lost 10lbs so far, my clothes aren't fitting the same way they used to. My pants are feeling tighter so I'm thinking there must be some major bloating going on here. So its super nice to have some clothes to fit my growing belly!
We are going back to the doctor on Friday for my monthly check up. I can't wait to see the baby again and hear how he has grown. I hope everything is great and the doctor says we are on track.
Exciting Moment of the Week: Getting some real Maternity clothes! It was so nice to be able to share that moment with my mom. Maybe its a sentimental pregnant lady thing but its so nice to think that my mom was going through all this with me in her tummy. It makes you really appreciate your mother!! She is so sweet too, I just loved shopping with her.
What I am Missing this Week: My appetite? LOL. I haven't had much of one lately. Even though the nausea is subsiding, its still there. I can't eat very much in one sitting still and I'm constantly hungry so those two make for a crabby lady!
Symptoms this Week: Still feeling super tired. We had a 3 day weekend and I think I probably slept 10 hours each day. Maybe more! I needed a nap everyday and we mostly just laid around the house! Just cleaning the house wears me out. Steve has been really understanding in letting me catch up on sleep on the weekends, which is awesome. Other than that, the active nausea is gone and now its just a general yucky feeling but no puking so I'll take it!
Obsessions this Week: I finally got the baby books I ordered from Half.com in the mail this week so I've been trying to read those and learn as much as I can. I also have been looking around at stuff for the nursery and have a ton of ideas. I will have to do a nursery post soon!
Message to the Baby: We hope you are enjoying your time in there, baby! Thank you so much for easing up on mommy and letting me have some rest from feeling gross all the time. I hope the second trimester brings even more of that! We love you!
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