I had my monthly doctor's visit on Friday and he said everything is going great. He was happy I had already lost 12lbs during the first trimester and said that was really good. I almost feel guilty for losing weight, like I'm not eating enough for the baby or something. But I know that its normal to lose weight in the first trimester due to watching what you eat and the baby using your extra nutrients. I guess I am glad that I did since the doctor said it's what he would like to see for me. I also was able to see the baby again and boy has he grown! The baby looks huge compared to the ultrasound pictures we had before, about double in size. It's crazy how fast he's growing in there!
The baby is looking something like this these days:

Another exciting thing this week was going maternity clothes shopping...again! My super sweet parents came over for a visit and decided that I needed more maternity clothes. Who am I to turn down an offer like that? But they really were right. I only had a few shirts that fit right now and really only 1 pair of jeans. I love shopping in general but getting clothes to fit my new pregnant body is super exciting. My mom and I picked up several great deals from the Motherhood Maternity Outlet by my house. That was a great surprise to find an outlet at the mall. I had been into the regular Motherhood store and it was so crazy expensive! But this outlet had some of the exact same clothes at about half the price. So we got a lot of things for work and some comfy things for around the house. We also found some things that fit at Old Navy Maternity, which was great. I love the style of their clothes so it was nice to find some things there. Let me show you some of the awesome new clothes I got this weekend:
From Old Navy Maternity, we found a comfy sweater for winter. Its still a little big which will be good because I probably won't wear it for a while yet. But doesn't it look totally warm and comfy?
We also picked up a couple of these long sleeved but lightweight shirts for the fall. They are so comfy and soft. I'm excited to start wearing these right now! I have pink and also green and a similar one in black.

We also picked up a pair of jeans and khaki's from the Motherhood outlet that I absolutely love. They are fitting me now, but also roomy enough that I can hopefully wear them for the rest of my pregnancy. It's really nice to have some options in my closet now, instead of only 3 shirts and I pair of jeans that still fit!
So yeah for more shopping!! This is going to be one stylish baby bump! :)
Exciting Moment of the Week: Seeing our huge baby at the ultrasound on Friday! Holy Moly has the baby grown in the past month! I guess it could be because the other 2 ultrasounds we had were only 2 weeks apart but this time the baby seems to have grown like crazy since the last time we saw him. The doctor said we might be able to see the sex next month too so that is very exciting news!
What I am Missing this Week: Not really missing anything in particular. I went to lunch and a movie with some girlfriends this weekend and they were talking about drinking wine and going to a winery this fall. That made me kind of sad for a minute thinking how fun that would be and I am going to miss out. But really, its not that much of a sacrifice to me. I'd much rather have a beautiful and healthy baby and truly I don't miss drinking all that much. (Mostly because the thought of it makes me want to puke!)
Symptoms this Week: Still feeling super tired and worn out. Although I did notice an increase in my energy level. On Friday, when I was off work we went to the doctor and did a few errands and to the grocery store. Then we were home for a bit and went to have dinner with Steve's parents. That was a lot to do for one day and a month ago I wouldn't have had enough energy to do it all. So I think my energy level has increased somewhat but I still needed a nap the next day to catch up!
Obsessions this Week: Getting baby advice from everyone I meet! ha ha! This week and last week we were able to spend some time with a few friends with babies and also family. I probably annoyed everyone else there but I pumped them for info the entire time! There is just so much to learn and I think those people who have experienced it are the best resource. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement guys!!
Message to the Baby: Baby, you are growing so fast it blows your mommy's mind! I can't believe how quickly you have gone from a tiny dot to a real person! We are so excited to meet you so just keep growing in there!!
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