As far as the pregnancy goes, I am doing great! The baby is kicking me like crazy now and I just can't wait until Steve can feel it too. I keep trying to get Steve to feel it when the baby gets to kicking a lot but he hasn't been able to so far. Soon though.
Another exciting thing we did this week was start our registry. Steve and I both had some time off for the holidays so we decided to start registering. (I really just couldn't wait any longer!) We went to Cotton Babies first. This is the store that sells all the cloth diapers and everything else that goes along with them. That store is so neat! Steve and I both knew we wanted to cloth diaper before we even got pregnant. He likes it for the money saving aspect. I like it because of the money savings, the environmental benefits and also the benefits for the baby. I had used cloth diapers with a few of the kids I nannied before so I knew I could do it. So Steve and I went to Cotton Babies with an idea of what kind of cloth diapers we wanted but not totally sure. They people there were so nice. They walked us through the options and explained the pros and cons of each kind. In the end, we decided to go with the Bum Genius 4.0 All in One's with Velcro. We also registered for a bunch of other neat stuff there. It was very fun! I was so proud of how involved Steve got in the diaper selection and registering process. He really seemed to be interested in it and was asking lots of questions. He was so cute!
I finally finished the Baby Bargains book and was able to consolidate all the info for our registry. We started a registry at Target and later my mom and I started one at Babies R Us. It is really difficult to choose between all the options and there is so many things you need! We had fun though.
Steve and I also took a tour at Mo Bap this week. Man we were busy! The tour was good. It was just us and one other couple so that was nice. Steve and I both liked the hospital. It had a lot fo things we liked and some we didn't. We liked that it has a higher level NICU in case there are any problems with the baby. We didn't like that it is much, much bigger than St. Luke's. We also didn't like that you labor in one room and recover in another. Another thing we didn't like was that since it is bigger, the nurse to patient ratio is 4:1, whereas at St. Luke's ist 2:1. So I think we are going to go with St. Luke's. We are excited! We started signing up for classes so that will be fun!
This week the baby is graduating from subtle movements in the womb to full fledged kicks! (That is for sure!) He also has developed his eyebrows and eyelids. The baby is looking something like this now:

Things are going well for us and we are just trying to get as prepared as possible for this baby. Steve worked on the nursery as well this week so I will have to put up some pictures of that too!
Exciting Moment of the Week: Registering was so much fun this week! It was definitely exciting. Its great to pick out stuff for your baby to be! It made me think about how the little guy would like to play in this or how he would look in that. It was stressful trying to compare all the options and pick the right one, but at the end of the day its just shopping!
What I am Missing this Week: I am still missing soda and coffee this week. I don't think its because of the caffeine, I just miss the taste. My mom reminded me they make caffeine free soda so I got some of that. Its pretty good and gives you the soda taste. I also bought some decaf coffee and had a cup of that this weekend. That tasted so good!
Symptoms this Week: Nothing too major going on. Still kind of tired but mostly I am just enjoying a break from all the symptoms. I think I've hit the "easy" part of pregnancy where you feel pretty good. I hope it lasts!!
Obsessions this Week: So many! ha ha! I was totally obsessed with making a registry list this week. I've also been obsessed with the paint color for the nursery for a while. I just couldn't make up my mind. We ended up buying paint and returning it. It is painted now and I'm not sure I like it...of course! I have also been working on some artwork for the babies room so that has been fun.
Message to Our Baby: Baby, I can't believe the next Christmas we have will be with you! We can't wait to meet you and love you so much already!!
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