I have mentioned a couple times on here the photo shoot I did a while ago with the dogs to make a calendar. I subjected them to all kinds of horrible outfits! Well, since the damage is done, I thought I would share some of the goods with you! The Christmas outfits I put them in are too much. So enjoy...
First of all, that year we got sweaters for all the doggies! OMG. So cute. Too bad everyone hated them except Zeusy. We were able to get one group shot (minus Freckles).
Don't you just love argyle on a puppy??

Don't worry I don't make them wear the sweaters anymore. Most of them have been chewed up anyways! Silly doggies, sweaters are not chew toys!

Zander doing his best reindeer impression.

We got them these chew toys that said "Naughty" and "Nice". Zander is acting naughty here and not looking at the camera! Bad boy! ha ha

He makes up for it here! What a good boy!

Steve and Freckles wanted in on the action...

Zeus got jealous so we let him wear the Christmas tree hat. (Isn't Steve such a good sport? What a nice hubby I have.)

Finally, here is Zander wishing everyone a Happy New Year...it looks like he might have had too much to drink at the party! ha ha!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!
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