I like that pop of green curtain but that crazy green chair is a bit much. Hey, did you notice the orange rug in there? I think I will try to stick some orange in that nursery yet!
Steve and I decided on the bedding for the room too. We want to get this one from Babies R Us. I think it will go great with the room colors. Don't you?
One of the details I love about this bedding is the polka dot sheets! Adorable. I also like the oceany, wavy bed skirt. So cute! We won't get the wall border or any of the art work, don't want to be too matchy matchy. I plan to get/make some other art work as well as put up some pictures of us on our honeymoon snorkeling and doing other water activities. I think it will be so cute! I will probably paint the pictures frames (orange maybe? or green).
I am totally into DIY lately, can you tell? It is just so much more fun to make projects. It is also much cheaper! ha ha. I am going to need some help with some of the projects I want to do for the nursery however. I hope Steve's crafty mom and Jordan will help! Here are some of the things I want to do.
This mobile is adorable! I really want to make it but I have no idea how to sew. I would just buy it from Etsy but they want $100 for it! Yes, $100!! That's nutso. You might recognize it from my original Nursery post here.
I also hope Steve's mom and Jordan can help me out with this pillow. I want to make some cute fishy ones like this:

Since that's not really DIY that's more like having someone else DIY, I was thinking about some projects I could do on my own. I found some adorable pictures of fish online and I was thinking of trying my hand at painting. I am 99% sure this will end in disaster but how hard can fish be? So I think I will get a few canvases and try that out. Also, I saw this clock online and I could totally make this:
Especially if I can find some stickers and paint some numbers from the craft store. I would need to find the actual clock though. I think I could do it.
One thing, I think I might actually buy from Etsy is this set of prints:
I really dig this and think it will look great over the crib. Of course, I wouldn't have them put Gavin. Hopefully we would know the baby name by then!
Well those are some of the projects on my short list of things to do for the nursery. It seems like a lot! Didn't I say how small the nursery was? This is going to be a lot of stuff in there! We'll see what ends up turning out!
I want to help with the painting!! I really like the two-toned blue with the bright green, that's a lot of fun. Also with the clock I believe you can just buy the clock arm piece thing and mount it on some wood or whatever... I think it could be pretty easy to make. Let me know if you ever want to go craft shopping!!