Steve and I got to spend Christmas Eve on our own which was kind of nice. It made us feel like our own little family, which very soon we will be! It was special to spend that time together. We decided to open our presents that morning. Here is Steve with his big gift!

He looks pretty surprised and although I told him what it was weeks ago, I think this is a genuine look of surprise on his Also Freckles is getting in on sniffing the box here.

Yay! An X box Kinect! Steve was pretty excited. We spent a good part of that day and pretty much every day since playing on that thing. It is actually very fun and you get a good workout on it.

That night we decided to go on a "date night" since it would be our last Christmas as just the two of us. We went to dinner and then to a movie. It was so nice! We haven't done that in forever! I think we should start a Christmas Eve date night tradition!

On Christmas morning we went over to Steve's parents house to spend time with his family. Although his brothers Tim and Matt couldn't be there it was still awesome to see everyone that was there.
Dan and Meghan brought their puppy, Scrappy! She is so cute. Steve wants to steal her.

Willow got pretty excited opening her presents. This reaction was from a Mickey Mouse pez dispenser she got from Jordan and Kim. Priceless. (Notice her dad in the background already trying out Willow's new toys.)

The one picture where she is looking at the camera. So cute! I can't believe she is 2 1/2. She is talking up a storm now and just so adorable.

Steve and I on Christmas Day. The belly was looking pretty big that day!

Steve's mom made us all scarves! They are so awesome! She is very talented.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!! Ours was great and we can't wait for New Years!
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