Someone asked me on FB the other day if I had any words of wisdom being a mom of 2. I thought I could put together some thoughts on what worked well for us preparing Steven for the arrival of Logan and also what's been working since he's been here. There's a ton of good articles online about how to prepare for a sibling and how to stay sane with a newborn and a toddler. I read a few of those so most of this is advice we liked from various articles (like this one or this one) and in talking to other people who have multiple kiddos.
(What we did to prepare Steven for the arrival of his sibling)
We had to do the transition to the big boy bed so that Logan could have the nursery when he was born. We did this several months in advance (like 5 months) so that Steven wouldn't feel like he was losing his old room but gaining a much cooler new room. We involved Steven in decorating his room and got him really excited about it and I think all of that really helped with this transition. We also talked a lot about being a "big boy" and sleeping in his "big boy bed" etc. Those were all good things too I think.
To prepare for the baby, we read several books with Steven about getting a sibling and I think that really helped solidify it for him. Some books I would recommend (they had big sister versions too):
The New Baby by Mercer Mayer
Just Me and My Little Brother by Mercer Mayer
I'm a Big Brother by Joanna Cole
We talked with him a lot about what will happen when the baby comes and that he will still be "special" to us and we will love him just as much. We also talked a lot about being a "big boy". What big boys get to do that babies don't get to do, etc. He seemed to really like that idea because he repeated often, "I'm not the baby, I'm the big boy."
Before Logan was born Steven was a bit of a momma's boy, preferring me to put him to bed, carry him around, etc. We really wanted to try to break him of some of this before the baby came because obviously he would have to rely on Daddy more as I would be nursing Logan and we didn't want to have to do that transition at the same time. So we worked on strengthening the relationship between Steven and Daddy months ahead of time. Steve took Steven to several outings (Magic House, Zoo, Park, etc.) by themselves and I think that really helped and they had a great time (and I got a nap;). Steve also started putting Steven to bed and at first that was difficult, but in the end I think that really helped to strengthen their bond.
I also read online to get the baby's stuff (swing, car seat, diapers, etc) out before he is born so the sibling can inspect it all and get the curiosity out of their system before you actually need to use it. Also, since its mostly hand me downs we had to talk with Steven about how he was done with his baby things and now Logan was going to use them. And big boys don't need diapers, baby swings, etc.
Before the baby was born I did some things to prepare our family for after the baby was here/newborn stage such as deep clean, make and freeze easy meals (by making double meals when I cooked mostly), preparing easy crock pot meals to freeze, setting up a plan for how to take care of Steven while we were in the hospital, etc. I also made a few "bins" for Steven and daddy to play with while I was nursing. They had some random toys (mostly from the dollar store) and ideas for crafts and activities to keep them busy. I also made a sensory bin from macaroni noodles and random little things I found around the house. That's been a big hit. Another thing we did was to schedule some one-on-one time for Steven right after the baby was born. We signed Steven and daddy up for truck day at the Magic House so they would have something special to go to and also for soccer. Just so he would have some special one-on-one time with us so he didn't feel like he was losing our attention or replaced or whatever.
(Some things we found helpful when the baby was born to help Steven adjust)
When the grandparents brought Steven up to the hospital we had a few little presents for him so he wouldn't feel like he wasn't getting any attention. We also had bought a baby doll for him previously so he had a "baby" to take care of too. And we had him pick out a present to give to the baby ahead of time and let him give it to the baby at that time. I had read online to have someone else holding the baby when big brother shows up but I don't know if that really mattered because he ran right by me to see the baby. Lol
Steven is a typical (I hope) 2 year old boy who likes to run around, wrestle and generally be rough. So we did a lot of talking about being gentle with the baby and practicing gentle touches, etc. I found its not really helpful to say "No, don't do that" but instead to tell Steven what he can do with the baby. For example I could tell him that he can touch the baby's hands and feet instead just of telling him not to touch his head.
Having a newborn and a toddler is really a delicate balance. We wanted Steven to love his brother and were really happy that he was so "into" the baby. But at the same time he was also a little too rough and was in the baby's face sometimes, or waking him up when he was sleeping. We didn't want to discourage Steven's interest all together or make him resent the baby so some good advice I got from my mother in law (who has 5 kids) was to give him a job to do. Have him go get you something for the baby, have him sing a song to the baby. Basically have him help in a way that is age appropriate (even if you don't need the help). This has really worked out great for us and you can totally see Steven's face beaming when you tell him he's helped his brother.
Speaking of sibling bonding, Steve and I both really thought this was a good article about how to foster that relationship. We try to do a lot of the things that article suggests.
That's all I can really think of at this time. I'm sure we will continue to learn a ton as it goes on but those are some tips I can share right now.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Maternity Leave So Far
I'm about halfway through my maternity leave with Logan (sniffle) so I thought I'd recap what I've been up to so far. Maternity leave this time feels really different for some reason. I'm not sure if it's because I had a much easier recovery from this birth or because I've done this before but its much more laid back this time. I'm finding myself consciously trying to savor little moments with my new man because I know just how fast it all goes by.
Another thing that's different this time is that I know I'm going back to work at the end of this. It doesn't seem as daunting as it was last time for some reason. I'm still sad and I still wish I had another 3 months or so off with Logan but I'm not dreading it everyday like I was with Steven. It could also be that I'm too busy this time around too.
Anyway, what have we been up to? Lots and lots of family time! It's been so nice to have a lot of time with family. One of the first weeks after he was born, Matt (Steve's brother) and Ruty came in town with Micah (who was only just born on July 4th). So that was a nice surprise! It was too fun to have 2 little babies like that in one place. I'm really excited for them to grow up as cousins being so close in age. That will be really fun!
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2 Cuties! |
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Besides that family visit we have seen a ton of both of our families in the past few weeks. We have gone to birthday dinners at the Riegerixes for Steve's dad and mom as well as an anniversary dinner. We also had a brunch at our house when Dan, Meghan and Willow came in town to meet Logan. Whew, that's a lot! We've gotten to spend a ton of time with my family as well and that's always fun. My aunt Jan came in town once and we got to visit. So it's been great seeing so much of our families. Logan's a lucky dude.
There's been somewhat of a baby boom in our family lately. My cousin, Kris had a baby girl, Emelia Grace, about 2 weeks before me. Kris and I are only about a year apart in age so this is really fun that we have babies so close in age too! My mom and I took a trip up to Rochester, IL to Kris's house to meet Miss Emelia. She's such a cutie. It will be really fun to watch her and Logan grow up as well.
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Little Angel :) |
But while we've been hanging around the house I've been catching up on all the TV I've wanted to watch for like the past 2 years! Ha ha! We don't have cable and haven't really watched much TV in the past few years (been kinda busy ;). So it's been fun catching up on shows I wanted to watch. Here are a few that I've watched and enjoyed so far: Homeland, Scandal, The Big C, Parenthood, Parks and Recreation, Walking Dead (with Steve), Orange is the New Black. Ones that I plan to get into still during my maternity leave are: Girls (heard it was good, we'll see), Downton Abbey, and House of Cards. Probably my favorite of those has been Homeland. That show had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! Every episode was crazy. I also really enjoyed and am enjoying Scandal (thanks for the recommendation, Mom).
Steve and I have been doing some fun family stuff on weekends while I'm on leave as well. We went to the zoo with Steven and Logan on a nice day earlier in October. Funny story about this trip to the zoo. This was the first time we busted out the Moby for Logan. We had used it a TON with Steven and thought we were old pros. Nope! We seriously spent 10 minutes in the zoo parking lot googling how to wrap him in it! Ha ha! But once we remembered it was like riding a bike ;)
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Seriously he loves birds, this was the best pic I could get! |
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Sea Lion Exhibit = Way cool! |
Since it's getting to be the holiday season, Logan and I have spent a good amount of time running errands, doing some Christmas shopping, etc. He didn't make a peep running errands for the first few weeks. Now it's hit or miss. We went to the outlet malls with my mom for like 3 hours and he was great the whole time. Only cried at the very end when he was hungry. But lately when I take him anywhere he cries immediately. Those babies! Hard to get anything done but I still try. :)
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This kid! |
We spent one afternoon visiting daddy at his work. I had not been there yet to meet anyone and they were so kind to give us a few little gifts for Logan and Steven so we wanted to meet everyone. Steve's co-workers were super nice and even a few bravely held Logan. Some of the younger guys looked like we had 3 heads and were like "heck no!" when we asked if they wanted to hold him. Ha ha! But some of the older people with kids really enjoyed it. I got to meet Steve's boss too and she seemed very nice. It was a good visit!
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Daddy's cube. |
Logan and I also visited my work and met some of my co-workers. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that visit but we had a good time. We went to lunch with my friend Jenn too so that was very fun! (Logan loves to go out to lunch ;)
Steve, the boys and I spent a fun day at the Magic House as well. Steven loves that place I think. There's always something new to discover. He loves playing with all the kids there too. This trip he wanted to do the big slide, something he has always been to scared to do! That was very neat. I tried to get a picture of him going down it but this was the best I could do. I'm so proud of my brave boy!
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The Blur! |
So we've been having a lot of fun so far! Lots of stuff to keep us busy. But mostly just chillin with this dude. Can you blame me?
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Month of Thankfulness Part 1
I love the idea of a month of thankfulness that I've seen on Facebook the past 2 years, where you list something you're thankful for everyday. I know those daily statuses can get annoying however so I decided to list it here. This is the first half of the month.
Nov 1 - I'm SO thankful for my baby boy, Logan. Today is his one month birthday and I can't believe he's been here a month already. At the same time I can't imagine life without him. I'm thankful for his health and for getting to be his mommy.
Nov 2 - I'm also SO thankful for my big boy, Steven. He is a joy to my life and the one who made me a mommy. I'm so lucky and grateful that he is in my life.
Nov 3 - I'm thankful for my wonderful hubby, Steve. He is the love of my life and turns out he's a pretty great guy too! He's such an amazing dad to our 2 boys. I really thank my lucky stars that he's so great with them and takes good care of me too.
Nov 4 - I'm thankful for our home. Even though we wish it would sell and we can move to a bigger space, I'm grateful right now we have this house to call a home. It really is a cute house and both my boys were born while we lived here so it has some special memories for sure.
Nov 5 - I'm thankful for my parents. They are super supportive of me and my family and I am so grateful for that. We are lucky that they love our boys so much and are always willing to help us out with them. They are pretty amazing parents and super awesome grandparents.
Nov 6 - I'm thankful for the friends in my life. I have a few really close girlfriends and I am so lucky to have them in my life. They truly listen to me and support me and that's rare in life to find people you can trust and be yourself around and also have a ton of fun with!
Nov 7 - I'm thankful for the beautiful fall weather. Every year at this time I am in awe of the amazing show nature puts on for us changing all the leaves and seasons. I'm so glad we live in the Midwest where we can enjoy the beauty of each season. Fall is definitely my favorite!
Nov 8 - I'm thankful for my job at the VA. I'm really lucky to be able to stay home with my babies for maternity leave and my job makes that possible. Sometimes its very frustrating but I'm glad to have it and hope I can make a long term career there. Also the people that I work with make it not so horrible. :)
Nov 9 - I'm thankful for weekends. I love the possibility every weekend of seeing friends, family or just hanging out as our family of 4. We always end up doing something fun together and I love that time we have. I'm also thankful for my hubby letting me sleep in on weekends. That is awesome!
Nov 10 - I'm thankful for my in laws. They are some of the best in laws you could ask for and have welcomed me into their family as their own. They also love our boys and do so much for them. We could not function without them and I'm so glad they love us so much.
Nov 11 - I'm thankful for the servicemen and women who protect our country and for our Veterans. I'm so proud to be a part of a family with a strong military tradition and to be able to work at the VA to help out our nation's heroes.
Nov 12 - I'm thankful for my extended family. Its so nice to have family close in proximity that we get to see them several times a year. They are great to our kiddos and I am lucky to have them!
Nov 13 - I'm thankful for Steve's brothers and sisters who are the boys aunts and uncles. It's so nice that we have so much family that loves our boys. They are the most fun and caring people around and I'm so grateful they are in our lives.
Nov 14 - I'm thankful that we have health insurance to get the care we need. We are all sick with a cold right now and don't have to worry about not being able to get taken care of. That's a huge blessing.
Nov 15 - I'm thankful that we live in the USA. I'm so grateful for all the freedoms we have here and protections from the harm that others have to endure simply because of where they live. We are lucky to be Americans.
Stay tuned for Part 2 at the end of the month...
Nov 1 - I'm SO thankful for my baby boy, Logan. Today is his one month birthday and I can't believe he's been here a month already. At the same time I can't imagine life without him. I'm thankful for his health and for getting to be his mommy.
Nov 2 - I'm also SO thankful for my big boy, Steven. He is a joy to my life and the one who made me a mommy. I'm so lucky and grateful that he is in my life.
Nov 3 - I'm thankful for my wonderful hubby, Steve. He is the love of my life and turns out he's a pretty great guy too! He's such an amazing dad to our 2 boys. I really thank my lucky stars that he's so great with them and takes good care of me too.
Nov 4 - I'm thankful for our home. Even though we wish it would sell and we can move to a bigger space, I'm grateful right now we have this house to call a home. It really is a cute house and both my boys were born while we lived here so it has some special memories for sure.
Nov 5 - I'm thankful for my parents. They are super supportive of me and my family and I am so grateful for that. We are lucky that they love our boys so much and are always willing to help us out with them. They are pretty amazing parents and super awesome grandparents.
Nov 6 - I'm thankful for the friends in my life. I have a few really close girlfriends and I am so lucky to have them in my life. They truly listen to me and support me and that's rare in life to find people you can trust and be yourself around and also have a ton of fun with!
Nov 7 - I'm thankful for the beautiful fall weather. Every year at this time I am in awe of the amazing show nature puts on for us changing all the leaves and seasons. I'm so glad we live in the Midwest where we can enjoy the beauty of each season. Fall is definitely my favorite!
Nov 8 - I'm thankful for my job at the VA. I'm really lucky to be able to stay home with my babies for maternity leave and my job makes that possible. Sometimes its very frustrating but I'm glad to have it and hope I can make a long term career there. Also the people that I work with make it not so horrible. :)
Nov 9 - I'm thankful for weekends. I love the possibility every weekend of seeing friends, family or just hanging out as our family of 4. We always end up doing something fun together and I love that time we have. I'm also thankful for my hubby letting me sleep in on weekends. That is awesome!
Nov 10 - I'm thankful for my in laws. They are some of the best in laws you could ask for and have welcomed me into their family as their own. They also love our boys and do so much for them. We could not function without them and I'm so glad they love us so much.
Nov 11 - I'm thankful for the servicemen and women who protect our country and for our Veterans. I'm so proud to be a part of a family with a strong military tradition and to be able to work at the VA to help out our nation's heroes.
Nov 12 - I'm thankful for my extended family. Its so nice to have family close in proximity that we get to see them several times a year. They are great to our kiddos and I am lucky to have them!
Nov 13 - I'm thankful for Steve's brothers and sisters who are the boys aunts and uncles. It's so nice that we have so much family that loves our boys. They are the most fun and caring people around and I'm so grateful they are in our lives.
Nov 14 - I'm thankful that we have health insurance to get the care we need. We are all sick with a cold right now and don't have to worry about not being able to get taken care of. That's a huge blessing.
Nov 15 - I'm thankful that we live in the USA. I'm so grateful for all the freedoms we have here and protections from the harm that others have to endure simply because of where they live. We are lucky to be Americans.
Stay tuned for Part 2 at the end of the month...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Halloween 2013
You know you're a bad blogger when you don't get your Halloween recap up until mid-November...oops!
We had a really great Halloween this year. Steven was really into it and "got it" for the first time. We also had a teeny baby to dress up and that's always fun. Logan was a monkey and Steven requested to be a pirate.
Mommy's little monkey |
Our boys all dressed up in their costumes. So cute!!
Cheers! |
I walked with them for the first block up and back then Logan and I were d-o-n-e. So we went inside to hand out candy. Steve took them for another few blocks up and back but it seemed like they were gone for a really long time. (It was raining this entire time). They came back soaked but very happy so I'd say it was a success. (Side note-Steve is a really awesome dad to have done this. He is always doing fun things with Steven even if it means he is miserable doing it. We are lucky he's such a great dad!)
After they came back, Steven helped me hand out candy to the trick or treaters. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever. He would get so excited when someone would come up to our door and say, "Someone's coming!!" Then he would race to open the door and hand them some candy. He would always say, "Happy Halloween!!" when they were leaving. Adorable!
Our Halloween was pretty great this year. Hope everyone had a great Halloween too!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Halloween Happenings
Halloween 2013 was awesome. This was the first year that Steven understood the concept of Halloween and it was so much fun. The older he gets and the more he understand the more fun we are able to have with him. We did a lot of fun activities in the weeks leading up to Halloween. Here are some highlights.
This picture is from a family dinner we had with the Riegerixes. Everyone asked to see Steven's Halloween costume so he went and got some of it. I thought it was so cute how Grandpa wanted to dress up too.
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This was the first year we went to Boo at the Zoo. I had heard good things so I wanted to check it out with Steven. We went with the Julie and her two boys as well. Steven just loves Jake. It's totally adorable.
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Cheeseballs |
Daddy wore the extra pirate costume and Steven just loved being dressed up like daddy. Don't they make some pretty cute pirates?
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Steven really enjoyed Boo at the Zoo. I think the part he liked the most was hanging out with Jake, and having his sword. I think he killed every tree and bush in our path that night. LOL But really, it was a good time and we will probably go again next year.
We also went to the Fall Carnival they had in Manchester at Schroeder Park. We heard about it from my parents. They had games for the kids to play, a firetruck and a hayride. At first Steven was not into it and just wanted to play on the playground nearby. But once he realized you get candy for playing the games, he was in! We all had a really good time!
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Playing a "toss" game by walking right up to the target. ;) |
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Nice and cozy in the moby. |
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Strike a pose |
The fire dept was there and had this big guy walking around. Steven thought that was super cool.
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We also went to the Fall Carnival at Grandma Riegerix's church. We have gone to that the last 2 years and it's always a good time. This year the weather was really nice and not too terribly cold. They have a ton of blow up things to climb on. Steven got stuck in the obstacle course one and freaked out a bit. But we talked him down and got him to go down the giant slide. He loved that one. He went up and down it 20 times at least. Poor daddy had to go too.
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Wee! |
Grandma was a teletubby...creepy. ;) |
Another great time with the moby. |
Winner winner chicken dinner. |
Every year we decorate pumpkins with Steven. I really thought this year would be the one where we'd have to finally carve them. (I've managed to get out of doing that the last 2). But when I explained to Steven about carving the pumpkins he said he wanted to just make the pirate pumpkin again. Score! No messy carving this year!
Carefully placing the pieces. |
Cheese! |
We also painted a pumpkin. I think he thinks that's the most fun.
All great works of art are made naked... |
Concentration |
So that was all of the fun we had leading up to Halloween this year. We did a lot of fun things this year!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Logan at 1 Month
Well here we go again with the "I can't believe it" posts. But seriously! I cannot believe its already been one month since Logan was born! Time has flown by!
This past month has been so much fun! It's had ups and downs of course but for the most part I've been really enjoying being home with Logan and watching him getting to know his big brother. Watching them grow that relationship is amazing. I know it will only get more exciting and interesting as Logan grows older and can respond to Steven more. For right now, Steven is pretty much obsessed with Logan asking to hold him and help us out any chance he gets. He also smashes him in the head accidentally pretty often but we are working on it. (Sorry Logan, hope there's no brain damage).
Speaking of brain damage, this month Logan took his first trip to the ER. I set him on the boppy on the couch and got up to help Steven and Logan must have swung his neck because the next thing I know, he was falling off the couch! Luckily there was a big comforter at the foot of the couch to break his fall. We did have to take him to the ER but they told us everything was fine. That was a scary moment though! Steve was not using his neck this early so I guess we weren't prepared for that!
Other than that excitement we've been pretty much just hanging out with family and friends and doing stuff to keep big brother occupied. Logan went trick or treating for the first time, but he stayed in the Moby the whole time so not sure if that counts! He was a monkey though, which was pretty cute!
Right now Logan's disposition is pretty good. For the most part he only cries if he's hungry or wet or tired. When he's wet as soon as you change his diaper he stops crying, same thing with hungry. Tired is another story. Logan has been a stinker some nights when it comes to getting him to stay asleep. Getting him to go to sleep isn't too horrible but oftentimes he wakes up after 5 minutes and you have to start all over. We busted out the sleep sheep and that seems to be helping some. We also tried the swaddle again and I think that helps too. At first, Logan seemed to hate the swaddle so he slept without it for weeks. In an act of desperation one night, I tried it again and he hated it but after a few minutes feel right asleep. So hopefully that continues to help.
Besides having trouble staying asleep, Logan is a pretty decent sleeper. He usually takes 1 or 2 big naps during the day and sleeps for some good stretches at night. Usually 3 hours at a time but sometimes I've gotten up to 5 hours out of him. So that's a good start!
As far as milestones and development, not too much going on this month. Logan is pretty crazy moving his neck around sometimes and can hold it up for decent stretches so that's something. I've seen tons of smiles in his sleep which is pretty adorable. Only a few waking smiles, but they sure are cute! He has started cooing and making little sighs sometimes.
So that's what we've been up to for your first month, Logan. Just loving having you around and enjoying life as family of 4.
This past month has been so much fun! It's had ups and downs of course but for the most part I've been really enjoying being home with Logan and watching him getting to know his big brother. Watching them grow that relationship is amazing. I know it will only get more exciting and interesting as Logan grows older and can respond to Steven more. For right now, Steven is pretty much obsessed with Logan asking to hold him and help us out any chance he gets. He also smashes him in the head accidentally pretty often but we are working on it. (Sorry Logan, hope there's no brain damage).
Speaking of brain damage, this month Logan took his first trip to the ER. I set him on the boppy on the couch and got up to help Steven and Logan must have swung his neck because the next thing I know, he was falling off the couch! Luckily there was a big comforter at the foot of the couch to break his fall. We did have to take him to the ER but they told us everything was fine. That was a scary moment though! Steve was not using his neck this early so I guess we weren't prepared for that!
Other than that excitement we've been pretty much just hanging out with family and friends and doing stuff to keep big brother occupied. Logan went trick or treating for the first time, but he stayed in the Moby the whole time so not sure if that counts! He was a monkey though, which was pretty cute!
Right now Logan's disposition is pretty good. For the most part he only cries if he's hungry or wet or tired. When he's wet as soon as you change his diaper he stops crying, same thing with hungry. Tired is another story. Logan has been a stinker some nights when it comes to getting him to stay asleep. Getting him to go to sleep isn't too horrible but oftentimes he wakes up after 5 minutes and you have to start all over. We busted out the sleep sheep and that seems to be helping some. We also tried the swaddle again and I think that helps too. At first, Logan seemed to hate the swaddle so he slept without it for weeks. In an act of desperation one night, I tried it again and he hated it but after a few minutes feel right asleep. So hopefully that continues to help.
Besides having trouble staying asleep, Logan is a pretty decent sleeper. He usually takes 1 or 2 big naps during the day and sleeps for some good stretches at night. Usually 3 hours at a time but sometimes I've gotten up to 5 hours out of him. So that's a good start!
As far as milestones and development, not too much going on this month. Logan is pretty crazy moving his neck around sometimes and can hold it up for decent stretches so that's something. I've seen tons of smiles in his sleep which is pretty adorable. Only a few waking smiles, but they sure are cute! He has started cooing and making little sighs sometimes.
Steven "sharing" his sword with Logan. This is a big deal bc the swords are pretty much Steven's favorite toys. |
So that's what we've been up to for your first month, Logan. Just loving having you around and enjoying life as family of 4.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Quotable Kiddo - 2 to 2.5 years
24 Months:
"I like your dress, Daddy"
-Daddy was not wearing a dress, just to clarify.
"Like your hair, Mommy"
-Said as he swishes my hair all around my face into a rats nest.
"I like Zeusy."
-He's become really interested in Zeus this month, petting him, kissing him, "playing" with him a lot and luckily Zeus doesn't seem to mind.
"Don't lick me, Zora!"
"Have juice first?"
-We always make him drink milk in the morning before juice and every morning he tests the boundaries...LOL
"Birdies! Go see em?"
-He is obsessed with chasing birds lately. Which brings us to:
When you ask him what does a goose say? "Hssssss" ha ha!
26 Months:
"Mommy, I love chocolate."
"I poop on the floor." (Yep that happened)
"I need Daddy."
- He's becoming quite the daddy's boy.
"Mommy, you best friend me." and a few minutes later, "Daddy you are NOT my best friend. NOT." lol
27 Months:
"That's what happens." or "That's why, Mommy." When he spills something or something bad happens like a little accident. Where, oh where, did he get that from?
"Mommy loves me. Daddy loves me. Dinosaur don't love me."
"I don't like soda." I hope not, I hope he hasn't had it!

"Messy messy messsy!"
Also, "That'll be a mad mommy." LOL
"I like your dress, Daddy"
-Daddy was not wearing a dress, just to clarify.
"Like your hair, Mommy"
-Said as he swishes my hair all around my face into a rats nest.
"I like Zeusy."
-He's become really interested in Zeus this month, petting him, kissing him, "playing" with him a lot and luckily Zeus doesn't seem to mind.
"Don't lick me, Zora!"
"Have juice first?"
-We always make him drink milk in the morning before juice and every morning he tests the boundaries...LOL
"Birdies! Go see em?"
-He is obsessed with chasing birds lately. Which brings us to:
When you ask him what does a goose say? "Hssssss" ha ha!
26 Months:
"Mommy, I love chocolate."
"I poop on the floor." (Yep that happened)
"I need Daddy."
- He's becoming quite the daddy's boy.
"Mommy, you best friend me." and a few minutes later, "Daddy you are NOT my best friend. NOT." lol
27 Months:
"That's what happens." or "That's why, Mommy." When he spills something or something bad happens like a little accident. Where, oh where, did he get that from?
"Mommy loves me. Daddy loves me. Dinosaur don't love me."
"I don't like soda." I hope not, I hope he hasn't had it!

"Messy messy messsy!"
Also, "That'll be a mad mommy." LOL
28 Months:
He's gotten into playing with my jewelry. He would always hand me a pile of necklaces and say "Take care of your brother." Which was really weird and I didn't know what the connection was. Well I realized that he may be confusing necklace and Nicholas (Julie's baby and Jake's little brother). So funny!
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Before bed I brush his hair and he usually wants to brush my hair as well. Which is fine and he's super gentle with the brush. The other night he kept saying, "Say Ow Mommy." I was like "You're not hurting me, you're doing a good job being gentle." To which he responded, "Say OW, Mommy!" in a very firm voice. LOL
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