Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog Catch Up

Its been a while since I blogged...just kind of took a break! I've been keeping up with Steven's monthly happenings, mostly on notes on my phone so I'll have to catch up on those very soon. I know not many people read this blog but I really enjoy having the record of what we've done so I'm going to try to start again.

The last time I blogged was July 2012. Gosh! Its been a long time since then! Everything's been going really well for Steve, Steven and I. I'll try to give a quick run down of what we were up to in that time. We had both of our birthdays in August. Mine was the dreaded dirty 30. Yuck! But luckily I have a great husband who planned a lot of fun birthday stuff for me including great night out with friends so it wasn't so bad!

We had a lot of fun in the fall doing family stuff. We visited a few pumpkin patches with Steven which was so much fun! (He really had fun, I promise.)
We got in a lot of cousin play time. Steven and Willow really love each other and its so cute!

Steven got his first haircut in November. His little curly mullet was super cute but it had to go!

We had lots of fun times with Grandparents. Steven is so lucky to have TWO sets of amazing grandparents who love him so much! Here we are on trips to the Museum of Transportation and at a Halloween carnival.

We also did a lot of family stuff including a trip to the Zoo. Steven has really turned into an animal lover so he was in cloud 9. We made a few trip so the Magic House too which Steven loved.

We had a few big events to round out 2012. Steve graduated from UMSL with his degrees in Math and Computer Science. We are SO proud of him! It's been a really long road for all of us but he stuck with it and finished! He worked really hard to get his GPA up too and actually ended up graduating with a good GPA. He also got a few scholarships which was really great!

During his last semester Steve got an internship at Monsanto. He really liked it there and it gave him good experience. Unfortunately they didn't have a full time job for him after graduation but he was able to find a full time job right away. He works at Maritz now as a Java Developer. He really likes it there and we are so thankful for him to be working full time again!

And of course in December we had Christmas. It was a great Christmas this year even though Steven got super sick right before. He was pretty crabby and tired during all the Christmas festivities but it is always good to see family.

I like to call this one "epic Christmas meltdown/I hate presents" LOL
We got him a train table and he was actually pretty excited about that on Christmas morning so that was a win.
  In January we finally got snow. So we had to celebrate! By eating it. ha ha!

Whew! That was a lot but I think you are up to speed. Life is good!

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