Sunday, December 8, 2013

Logan at 2 Months

Two months already, baby boy! This time of year flies by so quickly on its own but with a newborn it seems like the days are going by at lighting speed! At 2 months of age you weigh 12lbs 10oz and are 25.25 inches!

Big Boy!!

You grew out of most of the newborn clothes a few weeks ago and are now in all 3 months clothes. You are in cloth diapers now too which makes mommy really excited!

This month we seem to have hit our groove together and I've really enjoyed the time with you. We have gotten on a pretty good schedule which seems crazy to even say for a baby so young. But you do really well when I stick to it and get crabby when I don't so I think it's safe to say that. You like to wake up pretty early but then you want to go back to sleep around 7am and you'll usually take a morning nap for a few hours. Then you are up and like to hang out, talk, coo and look around. You're a lot more alert during your waking hours these days and it's so much fun. Then you like to go down for an afternoon nap for a few hours and bedtime is usually around 7pm for you. I've figured you out a bit as far as what soothes you and I think we are doing a good job together.

My biggest accomplisment with you this month has been figuring out how to get you to go to sleep on your own! I'm so proud of you for doing that so early. If you are drowsy I can put you in the swaddle with a binky and the sound machine and you'll usually put yourself to sleep. It's really awesome! I am trying really hard to not give you the same bad sleep habits we did for your brother and so far I think it's going really great. You do still prefer to be rocked to sleep at night but once your out, you are OUT. You have been sleeping for 5 to 7 hour stretches at night too! Halleluigah!

Caught you smiling!
Some fun things you are doing this month are tracking with your eyes much more. You will follow me around the room sometimes. You also look at your dad and brother a ton and will turn to the sound of their voices. It's super cute.

So handsome

Sometimes you will let out a big SIGH and that is pretty adorable too. Sometimes you will do it right after a big sneeze like "ah! That's better!" ha ha!

You have also started pushing up with your feet a ton this month! You are so strong too. You can kick while sitting down and push yourself up with them if we are holding you up.

Tummy time!
Another place you love to kick your feet is the bathtub. You love taking baths! Ever since we went from sponge baths to actually letting you sit in the water, you will just lie there completely still and enjoy the warm water. It's pretty adorable. I like baths too buddy. :) You actually took a bath with your brother last weekend and that was pretty much the cutest thing ever

Speaking of your brother, you are still getting used to him. You still cry when he gets in your face or shouts in the car. I try my best to keep that to a minimum but it's not likely to stop permanetnly. I think you'll get used to it soon.

Matching outfits are SO cute
You had your first Thanksgiving this month. You were able to wear your brother's Thanksgiving onesie which is crazy because he was 6 months or something at his first Thanksgiving (but the onesie is 3 months size). You did pretty ok. Your schedule was disrupted and the chaos of it being loud and a new place and new people holding you got to you after a while and you were pretty crabby. But that's ok. You're super cute so that makes up for it.

So overall a great month for you! Happy 2 months baby boy!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We had a really great Thanksgiving this year. I hope you guys did too! On Thanksgiving day we went to Steve's parent's house. It was really fun! There were a lot of people this year and a few we had not seen in a while. It was fun to visit with them. The Jones's were there and they have 3 kiddos so that was nice for Steven to have them to play with. Baby Micah was there as well and it's great to see him! Here are a few pics from that day.
Steven LOVES Uncle John. So he was pretty psyched that he was there.
Steven has reached the age of not wanting to pose for pictures. Boo
Steven playing with the Jones kiddos. That's Elena and Max. They have gotten big so fast!
Daddy and Logan. So cute!
The two new daddies. This is kind of confusing because Steve is holding Micah and Matt is holding Logan (opposite babies) but it was so hard to get them to sit down for a picture I just went with it.
Here are the two families with babies (again with opposite babies). Steve, Myself and Micah (not ours) on the left; Matt, Ruty, Logan (ours) and Steven (ours) on the right. So confusing! But at least everyone is in the picture!
So fun that we have so many kids in the family now!
The week of Thanksgiving, my Uncle Don and his wife, Donna were in town to visit from Florida. It was so nice to get to see them and visit with them. Here they are with our kiddos.

Great to see them!
The weekend after Thanksgiving, we went to my parents house. Steve, Amy and Megan were there (Hannah was working). So that was really nice to see them and get to visit.

Aunt Amy and Logan
The food was DELICIOUS. My mom is the best cook and I absolutely love Thanksgiving dinner. It's probably my favorite meal all year. I ate way too much and I'm ok with that. I love it!

The only family pic we got of this holiday. It'll have to do.
We had an awesome Thanksgiving and got to see a ton of family! I hope you guys had a good one too!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Month of Thankfulness Part 2

November 16 - I'm thankful for being able to grow up in St. Louis. I have really enjoyed living in St. Louis as a child and now as a parent I'm very grateful for the city I get to raise my kids in. I love living here and there is so much to do and see, especially with kids.

November 17 - I'm thankful we have shelter. There was a crazy wind storm today and I'm so thankful we have a safe place to go during crazy weather like that.

November 18 - I'm thankful for electricity/power to our house. We lost power to our house today for a few hours due to the damage from the storm over the weekend. I'm so grateful to the people who came to hook it back up and that we have power back.

November 19 - I'm thankful for our health. We attended a wake of a friend's grandmother who died quickly from cancer. I'm so thankful that Steve and I and the boys are all in good health. I'm thankful that our parents are in good health as well.

November 20 - I'm thankful for financial stability. That is not something we've always had so I'm really grateful that Steve and I both have good jobs and the ability to cover unexpected expenses such as the repairs to our house.

November 21 - I'm thankful for time away. I'm so grateful for my family but I'm also grateful that I can get time away to recharge and relax.

November 22 - I'm thankful for dessert. :)

November 23 - I'm thankful that we have health insurance. I took Steven to the dentist recently and I'm so glad I have a job that allows us to have access to good and affordable insurance to care for our health.

November 24 - I'm thankful for my education. I'm glad I got a degree and have the knowledge I have now. Although I may not have a job in my particular field, I'm glad I have the degree.

 November 25 - I'm thankful for visits from relatives that live far away. I'm so glad we have family that wants to see our kiddos and comes in town to do so.

November 26 - I'm thankful for my gym. I'm thankful I have access to a gym nearby and can afford the membership.

November 27 - I'm thankful for my mommy blogger and forum friends. It's really nice to be able to connect with other moms online and learn their struggles and also know you're not the only one who feels crazy raising a toddler!

November 28 - Today I am more thankful than ever. It is Thanksgiving and we will see a lot of important people today and get to share our kiddos with them. That is a huge blessing!

November 29 - I know its controversial but I'm thankful for shopping today. I'm so thankful we are able to afford the things we need as well as the things we want. And it's also therapeutic and enjoyable for me.

November 30 - I'm thankful for this blog. It's really a great opportunity to keep in touch with family about what is happening in our lives as well as provides good therapy and record keeping for me.

That's it! I really have SO much to be thankful for this year and every year. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.