Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas 2013

Merry (belated) Christmas to everyone! This year's Christmas was a strange one. We had planned several family get-togethers and lots of fun things but almost all of them had to be either canceled or postponed due to being in the hospital with Logan's RSV. We were admitted the day after Christmas (Thursday) and didn't get out till the next Monday! So sadly we missed a lot of family time this year. It was a bummer but what can you do? Hopefully next year will be more normal (and healthy).
New tree this year!
We did get to celebrate on Christmas day at home and later with my parents. So at least we had that. Logan was pretty out of it all day though and slept on and off the entire time. Steven was much better this year though. The last 2 years he has hated Christmas with a passion! He hated opening presents and the schedule being thrown off and he just cried the entire time. This year he really started to understand the concept of Christmas and definitely enjoys getting presents now!
My mom made Logan his own stocking this year. That must have taken FOREVER. But isn't it gorgeous!? I love that she made mine when I was little and continues to make them for my boys now. So sweet!

Steve surprised me this year with something homemade! I was super impressed! He made this stepping stone and had each boy's footprint in it. Can you believe my husband did a craft for me?! I love it of course!

I got this gift Christmas eve because a certain 2 year old was
super excited to give it to me!
Here are the boys on Christmas morning. You can tell Logan is less than thrilled. LOL Steven about lost it when he woke up and saw all the presents! He was like OMGGGGG! ha ha! Super cute side story, Steven woke up the morning after Christmas and asked if we could open presents again. ha ha!

My boys <3 td="">

Steven did a really great job opening presents this year. He actually unwrapped them and noticed what they were and said "Thank you" for the most part. I was very impressed with him. This construction play-dough set has been a big hit so far.

Logan and I on Christmas morning. I'm pretty sure he's distracted by big brother's antics. It's so cute to watch Logan follow Steven around the room with his eyes.

Steven was really excited about this truck. He asked Daddy to open it right away! He played with it for a bit after too and took a break from opening presents. Yay!

Helping daddy free the truck. It was screwed into
 the packaging! Geez!

More present opening.
This silly little thing from Steven's stocking was one of his favorites. He loves the giant board like this at the Magic House so when we saw this little version (at Target of course) we thought he might like it. Boy does he ever! Sometimes its the stupid little things they like the best, of course, right?!
Me and my boys! Hard to get a decent picture of these crazy kids!

We got Logan a few "baby" toys which he can't use right now but he will be able to within the next year. So of course Steven claims them for himself and plays with them all the time. They are for like age 6-12 months. Crazy kid.

Daddy and Logan
We got Steven a tool set that came with a hard hat. It was a big hit!

Here he is hoarding all his "stuff". "I need my stuff mommy." ha!

Later that day my parents came over for presents and Christmas lunch/dinner. It was really fun to have them over. Steven loves them so much and they spoiled our boys of course. Probably Steven's favorite present overall was this pop gun my parents got him. The cork it shoots out is attached so its cool with me. No mess = great present!

bang bang!
My parents also got him this cool Mickey Mouse book that changes the story based on your voice and what you pick. Pretty neat.

He's helping Grandpa open his gifts. And stealing Grandpa's tie...

Grandma and Logan. Poor Logan was not feeling well and slept or cried most of the day. :(

Grandma and both boys! Yay a decent picture!

Family picture, but no Steven. At this point he was so excited about the gifts he was way too hyped up to pose for pictures. Oh well!
This year we had a great Christmas day. It's too bad we had to miss out on the rest of the celebrations being in the hospital but what can you do? We hope everyone else had a great (and healthy!)Christmas this year.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good Christmas!! sorry Logan got sick
