Friday, April 25, 2014

March Tidbits

I don't have all the dedicated time to blog like I used to anymore but I want to keep up as much as I can. I'm going to try to remember to at least do a monthly post of what's been going on with us that month.

In March we were pretty busy moving, selling our old house and trying to set up the new place. That kept us and is keeping us fairly busy on weekends. We spent a lot of time unpacking and organizing. I spent a lot of time day dreaming about decorating the new space. We have had a lot of trouble with the dogs getting out of the small enclosure we built for them so we went ahead and got quotes for a fence to be put in. That should go in sometime in April. That will be good too because a certain 2 year old likes to take off sprinting down our hill as well...

We did manage to have some fun in March. We had a family dinner at the Riegerixes. Those are always fun. Matt and Ruty are living there for now with Eli and Micah so that's great. Steven just loves Eli and they have a blast running around together. Logan and Micah are only 3 months apart and they love hanging out too. 

We passed a big milestone this month when I signed Steven up for pre-school (tear). Man, he is getting so big! The district we moved to has full day preschool at the elementary school which happens to be RIGHT down the street from our house. So that is really nice. I found out when the sign up was and called to get more info. They let me know that they only had so many spots and they filled up last year so to make sure to get there on time.

I wanted to make sure Steven got in so I got there early. Well that turned out to be a bad decision! They took me to some back conference room to start filling out the paperwork packet. Well by the time I was completely done and had someone checking my info and making a copy of my license, the time had come to open registration. So they said everyone come to the lobby and we will make you go back into the hall to line up. Well, since I was in a back room everyone that came in after me ended up being before me in line! It was a mad dash out the door and into line. I just made it into line and was given the number 21. I was getting really nervous so I asked them and they said they had 23 spots!! OMG. I was about to lose it on someone if we didn't get in! ha ha

But we did, so its all good. I can't believe my baby is starting at a real school this year. Crazy.

When did he get so big?
I had been talking for a long time about changing my hair and in March I decided to go for it. I cut about 5 inches off! I think it looks pretty good. It has taken some getting used to but I think a change is good from time to time to spice things up!

So that's what we've mostly been up to in March. More to come!

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