Willow got pretty excited opening her presents. This reaction was from a Mickey Mouse pez dispenser she got from Jordan and Kim. Priceless. (Notice her dad in the background already trying out Willow's new toys.)
My cousin Mike and his wife Lauren were there with their 3 adorable girls. I cannot believe how big they are getting!! It was so nice to see them.
Things are going well for us and we are just trying to get as prepared as possible for this baby. Steve worked on the nursery as well this week so I will have to put up some pictures of that too!
Exciting Moment of the Week: Registering was so much fun this week! It was definitely exciting. Its great to pick out stuff for your baby to be! It made me think about how the little guy would like to play in this or how he would look in that. It was stressful trying to compare all the options and pick the right one, but at the end of the day its just shopping!
What I am Missing this Week: I am still missing soda and coffee this week. I don't think its because of the caffeine, I just miss the taste. My mom reminded me they make caffeine free soda so I got some of that. Its pretty good and gives you the soda taste. I also bought some decaf coffee and had a cup of that this weekend. That tasted so good!
Symptoms this Week: Nothing too major going on. Still kind of tired but mostly I am just enjoying a break from all the symptoms. I think I've hit the "easy" part of pregnancy where you feel pretty good. I hope it lasts!!
Obsessions this Week: So many! ha ha! I was totally obsessed with making a registry list this week. I've also been obsessed with the paint color for the nursery for a while. I just couldn't make up my mind. We ended up buying paint and returning it. It is painted now and I'm not sure I like it...of course! I have also been working on some artwork for the babies room so that has been fun.
Message to Our Baby: Baby, I can't believe the next Christmas we have will be with you! We can't wait to meet you and love you so much already!!
What I am Missing this Week: Coffee! and soda! I am really missing caffeine lately and I have to confess that I did have a soda 2 times last week! I'm so bad. It's fine to have some caffeine as long as its not too much. The doctor said I could have 2 cups of coffee a day if I wanted to. Its hard!
Symptoms this Week: Nothing really to add to the symptoms this week. I am enjoying a little 2nd trimester relief from all the symptoms I had before. I am still super tired if I try to do too much in a day, but other than that I'm doing good.
Obsessions this Week: Still on the nursery kick! I am planning and scheming what we are going to do in the nursery. I can't wait to get started after Christmas!
Message to Our Baby: Baby, it looks and feels like you are really healthy in there and that makes me so happy! We are so excited that everything seems to be going great with you and can't wait to meet you!
So how does St. Luke's stack up? Well, they are pretty much awesome. Their philosophy of mother centered maternity care matches up perfectly with what we want for the labor, delivery and recovery. They believe that the most important place for the baby to be is with the mom and they are very supportive of customizing your experience with your doctor. They are also very supportive of breast feeding which is super important to me. They have private birth suites (with Wi-fi, a TV and DVD player, a pull out couch for dad and a full bathroom). Mothers stay in the same room during labor, delivery and recovery, unless they have a Cesarean but that ward is right across the hall, which is really nice. Baby stays in the room 24 hours a day, unless you request they stay in the nursery. They also offer a ton of prenatal classes including infant care classes, breastfeeding classes and a Happiest Baby on the Block class. They even have infant massage! Crazy. But the one downside is the classes are pretty expensive. Steve and I really want to take a bunch of them, but they range from $40 to $90 each. :(
St. Luke's also has a special nurse's program where a nurse will meet with you midway through your pregnancy to help you write your birth plan and help with any questions you have. They will also help you with pre-registration, breastfeeding information and other things such as car seat info. After the birth they will follow up with you. How awesome is that?
St. Luke's also has lots of other perks for families while they are in the hospital. Like, you can order your meals whenever you want them in case you are sleeping or not hungry at a certain time. They don't have restrictions on visitng hours. They also offer a masseuse that will come in the day after your labor if you want. They have some rooms with birthing tubs. Its just crazy all the things they offer. And as far as our concerns regarding labor and after birth preferences, St. Luke's meets every one.
As far as negatives, there really weren't too many. The only ones I can think of is that St. Luke's is slightly farther from our house and also from the doctor's office. (not really that far though). It is kind of confusing to get to, but its not that bad. Another negative is they don't have a very big NICU unit. So, any babies in serious distress are transferred to another hospital like St. John's because St. Luke's really doesn't have the capability to deal with seriously ill babies. But that's the price you pay for wanting a smaller hospital really. If we were having any complications or any indications of any problems with delivery we wouldn't choose St. Lukes. The only other downer is the cost of the prenatal classes.
So, we were really excited after the tour and are pretty sold on St. Luke's. My OB goes to lots of other hospitals but since we wanted to stay relatively small and close to our house, the only other one we are considering is Missouri Baptist. We have a tour scheduled for their maternity ward next week so we will see how it goes!
I like that pop of green curtain but that crazy green chair is a bit much. Hey, did you notice the orange rug in there? I think I will try to stick some orange in that nursery yet!
Steve and I decided on the bedding for the room too. We want to get this one from Babies R Us. I think it will go great with the room colors. Don't you?
One of the details I love about this bedding is the polka dot sheets! Adorable. I also like the oceany, wavy bed skirt. So cute! We won't get the wall border or any of the art work, don't want to be too matchy matchy. I plan to get/make some other art work as well as put up some pictures of us on our honeymoon snorkeling and doing other water activities. I think it will be so cute! I will probably paint the pictures frames (orange maybe? or green).
I am totally into DIY lately, can you tell? It is just so much more fun to make projects. It is also much cheaper! ha ha. I am going to need some help with some of the projects I want to do for the nursery however. I hope Steve's crafty mom and Jordan will help! Here are some of the things I want to do.
This mobile is adorable! I really want to make it but I have no idea how to sew. I would just buy it from Etsy but they want $100 for it! Yes, $100!! That's nutso. You might recognize it from my original Nursery post here.
I also hope Steve's mom and Jordan can help me out with this pillow. I want to make some cute fishy ones like this:
Since that's not really DIY that's more like having someone else DIY, I was thinking about some projects I could do on my own. I found some adorable pictures of fish online and I was thinking of trying my hand at painting. I am 99% sure this will end in disaster but how hard can fish be? So I think I will get a few canvases and try that out. Also, I saw this clock online and I could totally make this:
Especially if I can find some stickers and paint some numbers from the craft store. I would need to find the actual clock though. I think I could do it.
One thing, I think I might actually buy from Etsy is this set of prints:
I really dig this and think it will look great over the crib. Of course, I wouldn't have them put Gavin. Hopefully we would know the baby name by then!
Well those are some of the projects on my short list of things to do for the nursery. It seems like a lot! Didn't I say how small the nursery was? This is going to be a lot of stuff in there! We'll see what ends up turning out!
Next, I decorated the rest of the living room. In doing so, I realized in our new house we don't have a mantle! So where are we to hang our stockings??? How about on our gorgeous hutch that my wonderful mother refinished for us? (Thank you so much, you are amazing.) Don't our stockings look nice on the hutch?
Here's a close up. (These gorgeous stockings were handmade by Steve's mom last Christmas! Aren't they beautiful?)
Don't you just love argyle on a puppy??
Don't worry I don't make them wear the sweaters anymore. Most of them have been chewed up anyways! Silly doggies, sweaters are not chew toys!