Ok, enough complaining! Aside from those annoying symptoms this week has actually be really great! It was Thanksgiving week so Steve and I got to see a lot of family and friends and that was so fun! We also got to eat a lot of good food!! Then we continued our tradition of shopping on Black Friday which was also a ton of fun! We didn't spend very much money this year since we didn't get up early and go to any of the large retail stores we usually hit (Target, Kohls), but we still had a blast.
This week the baby has been growing his hard skeleton, he previously had developed a skeleton made of soft cartilage. He's also developing his sweat glands and the umbilical cord is thickening. The baby is about the size of a turnip and weighs about 5oz. The baby is looking something like this:

I've been reading up on everything baby related. I finished Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. Although, not scientific at all, it was a fun book to read. I am also almost done with Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay. That book is hilarious! Thanks again to my cousin for sending it to me! I'm also about 3/4 of the way through Baby Bargains. That book has been so helpful. I have about 10 pages of notes from the book. I can't wait to condense them so I can use them when we register. It has all kinds of helpful tips about safety and also how to save money. I'm so glad I got that book.
Exciting Moment of the Week: Not totally baby related but it was so nice to see all my family for Thanksgiving. It was great to see some of Steve's extended family (some of them had not heard yet!). It was nice to be able to spend time with my niece, Willow. It was so great to get to spend time with my parents and even a little one on one shopping time with my mom. I love those times!
What I am Missing this Week: I've been missing having energy this week. Thanksgiving can be a long day but I am usually ok through it. This year, I was so pooped by about 5pm it was ridiculous. Also, for Black Friday, I have always had enough energy but this year I was so pooped after only 3 hours and needed a major nap after we got home. I guess the baby is taking all my energy!
Symptoms this Week: Like I said above still tired and cranky...ha ha! But also having more headaches, itching and joint pain. Nothing too horrible and of course its totally worth it.
Obsessions this Week: Baby names, of course. Steve and I have been through the baby name book we got and also have both looked around on the Internet. We narrowed down names to a list of 5, but really I think we are leaning towards only 2 of the 5. We did decide to keep it a secret when we figure out the name. We don't want to disappoint anyone, but we feel like it will be better for us to keep the name to ourselves until the baby is born. I'm hoping we can decide sometime soon. It will be nice to have that decision made!
Message to Our Baby: Baby boy we are so thankful this year to have you in our lives! We can't wait till next year when we can have you out of my belly and celebrate the holidays with you! But until the time is right, you just stay put and keep growing!! We love you!