This weekend we got to hang out with our niece, Willow. She is so sweet! I can't believe how big she is getting. She is talking up a storm now and knows so much. She has this little personality now too. She's super funny and jokes around all the time. Its adorable. It was great to see her and get to cuddle her. She warmed up to Steve much faster this time than she usually does. She even gave him a few kisses! So cute. Of course she was excited to see me usual! ha ha! She even said my name a few times. I couldn't believe it! That has to be the sweetest thing ever to hear a little angel saying your name. Melted my heart!
Back to our baby! This week the baby has been developing his facial muscles. He can now squint, frown, grimace and suck his thumb! He's getting big too, about the size of a lemon. That seems very big from the peanut we started with! They say he's moving around like crazy in there but I won't be able to feel it for a while. I am actually kind of excited to feel the baby. Here's what he looks like this week:

Exciting Moment of the Week: It was so fun to see our niece, Willow this weekend. That seems totally un-baby related but watching her grow over the past 2 1/2 years as really made me think about my own baby. Playing with her this weekend really reminded me that I will have one of these kiddos pretty soon. I hope ours is as sweet as she is!
What I am Missing this Week: I am really missing having the energy to do things this week. Even though sleeping all weekend feels great I do feel like I've lost some connection with my friends since we never hang out with them anymore. Also, Steve planned a date night for us on Friday and I just didn't feel like going out after working all week so we stayed in. Normally, that would be something I'd be looking forward to all week and super excited about. But I was just feeling so tired that night and didn't go. I probably need to suck it up and make myself go out with our friends...we'll see how that works! ha ha
Symptoms this Week: Well..fatigue duh! Nothing else is really that bad. Still slightly nauseous but I'm doing a lot better with that as well. I've been able to go back to eating most things and cooking is usually ok too. I've been having some back pain but not too bad. I'm really trying hard to kick the sleeping on my back habit. They recommend that you try to switch to sleeping on your sides during the 2nd trimester but its so hard! I like to sleep on my back, so that has been a struggle but I'm trying. Maybe a body pillow would help with that...(hint hint!)
Obsessions this Week: Getting excited to find out the sex! I have been boring Steve to death with discussions of if its a boy or a girl. I'm sure he is fed up hearing about that. I hope we find out next week so I can stop going crazy!
Message to the Baby: Baby, I cannot wait to find out if you are a boy or a girl! I'm sorry if I have called you a boy on here and you turn out to be a girl! We love you so much already no matter what you turn out to be! We are so excited to find out though!!
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