We couldn't be more excited. Steve really wanted to have a boy first, so he is very happy. I also wanted a boy but I would have been just as happy with a girl. I'm glad its a boy though so Steve can rest easy. He was really getting stressed thinking we were having a girl! Poor guy. Its so funny though, because the whole time I thought it was a girl! What do I know?!?
This week has gone by really fast. The whole week I was anticipating the ultrasound appointment we had on Thursday. Last month, the doctor told us that we might be able to find out the sex at our next appointment. I was kind of skeptical, since most of the things I was reading said you had to wait till 16 weeks to find out and the next appointment was going to be at 15 weeks. So I was trying not to get my hopes up for finding out, but it was so hard not to! Then, I read an article that said you should be able to find out during an ultrasound as early as 15 weeks. After I read that I couldn't not be excited any more! I was just hoping that the baby was in good position to see everything and we would find out. I was so nervous the whole morning of our appointment.
How we found out was so funny. As soon as the doctor put the ultrasound machine on my belly and the baby appeared on the screen, he took it away really fast. He said, "Wait, do you want to know what it is because I saw right away." Steve and I were both like "Yes!!!" He put the ultrasound back on me and was like, "Its a healthy baby boy!" We were both in shock. I think I said something like, "How do you know?" ha ha! The crazy things that pregnant ladies say. He showed us the penis and said that was how he knew. Very exciting! He also said the baby looks very healthy and his size is great. I know we talked about some other stuff after that but, I was still in shock the whole time. After the doctor left, Steve was so sweet. His eyes got all watery and he was like, "We are having a son!" What a sweetie! We are both so excited!
So this week the baby is about 4 inches long and 2 1/2 ounces in weight. Crazy! His legs are growing and are now longer than his arms. He can now move all his limbs and joints. (Its nice to be able to say "he" and know that is right!) The baby can respond to light and is also forming taste buds this week. The baby is looking something like this:
Exciting Moment of the Week: Definitely finding out we are having a boy! Steve and I were on cloud 9 pretty much the entire day after that. We called and texted just about everyone we know that day. Both of our parents were very excited too!
What I am Missing this Week: Not really missing anything in particular this week. We hung out with some friends Saturday night and everyone was drinking but me. I thought I would miss drinking, but it was not so bad. I didn't fall asleep as early as I usually would so maybe not drinking has its benefits!
Symptoms this Week: Still just fatigued and a little yucky feeling sometimes but not too bad. I am really digging this 2nd trimester. Most of my symptoms have subsided or at least gotten better and I'm feeling like my old self for the most part.
Obsessions this Week: Now that we know its a boy, the baby name madness has begun. Steve and I are having a hard time agreeing on anything. (Mostly because he doesn't like any names!) We got a baby name book this weekend so I hope we can find something we both like. I really don't want to use Steven Joseph III, but Steve does. I hope I'm not a horrible wife for not wanting that...We still have 5 or 6 months to decide so I'm sure we can agree on something!
Message to Our Baby: Baby boy, we are so excited to meet you! Thank you so much for showing off your stuff at the ultrasound this week. (The doctor even commented on how big your stuff is!) I'm sure you will hate me for that comment later in your life. Keep growing in there! We love you.
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