We snagged 2 awesome pieces of nursery furniture from Craigslist a few weeks ago. Craigslist is the most amazing website. You can literally find anything. Its unbelievable!
Anyways, I found an ad for a solid wood dresser/changing table the other day. We were interested in getting a dresser with a changing table on top due to the space in the nursery. Its a pretty small room so we knew we wouldn't have enough space for 2 separate pieces of furniture. Also, we really wanted to get something quality and not flimsy like some of the baby furniture we have seen. So this seemed to fit the bill. The lady originally had the dresser listed for $150. I thought that was kind of high so I emailed and asked if she would go down to $100. She said yes, but the more I thought about it, I thought we would wait. (Mostly because I wasn't super crazy about the light colored wood and it didn't have a matching crib.) So I told her thank you but we changed our mind. Well, then a week later she emailed me and said no one had come to get it and they needed to get rid of this thing. She asked if I would take it for $50...um yes please! So Steve and I zipped over there one day after work and picked it up. Here's a picture of the front:
A few days later, another awesome bargain came our way! I saw this glider/rocker on Craigslist for $50! It looks brand new! Its in such great condition. Much better than I had anticipated. So we drove out and picked this baby up:
I'd say that's an awesome deal since some of the gliders we saw in the store could be up to $300! This one is really nice and is in great condition.
So Steve and I are feeling pretty good about getting a few things for the nursery super cheap. Its a small start but it feels great to have some things in there!
I am reading the Baby Bargains book right now, which is all about what the best and least expensive things are to buy for baby. I want to get through that book and see their recommendations before we buy anything else. Plus there's Christmas coming up and hopefully a baby shower or two so we'll see what we still need after that. Just thought I would share what we have so far!
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