Well folks, this 13th week has been all about the belly. Girls at work noticed it and outed me forcing me to tell sooner than I had planned. (And then when I did tell, the ladies at work were all like "Oh, we knew it!" How annoying!!) Regular pants are definitely not able to contain the belly anymore. People at social events are noticing it (and touching it). Strangers out in public are looking at it. Steve has even commented a couple times on the belly. So I guess, its true. I am an official pregnant lady! I mean I knew I was pregnant before but something weird happens when you start to show. Its kind of like undeniable evidence that your body is changing due to the baby growing inside of you! Before this week, I knew in my head that my baby was growing and my body was changing but this week its like Bam! Baby on Board! Everyone watch out! If I can get my camera to cooperate I will put up some pictures of this new *development*.
Besides growing a gargantuan belly this week, things have been going well. I've had a good amount of energy lately. Enough to get through the day but I still crash in the evening. But at least I'm not crashing at 10am anymore! I read that migraines are supposed to start in the 2nd trimester and I'm not looking forward to that at all. I've had some extra aches and pains but no migraines yet...thank goodness.
This week the baby is forming fingerprints, teeth and vocal cords! Their body is starting to catch up with their huge head! And the intestines are working hard to move inside the baby's body from outside their body. (gross). The baby is looking something like this:

So we are finally "out" as far as the pregnancy is concerned. Like I said the belly pretty much outed us...but we told all our friends, family, work and even people on Facebook. Kind of crazy to let the entire world know a secret that we've tried to keep for so long. But its exciting! Everyone has been super supportive and I couldn't have been blessed with a better family and group of friends. In fact, my friends are so supportive that when I told them this week I was going to get my hair dyed, 2 of my friends made it a point to tell me I couldn't do that. They are so sweet. Apparently, ladies used to not be able to dye their hair during pregnancy but now we can. It was nice to have some overprotective friends looking out for this peanut!
Exciting Moment of the Week: This is going to sound completely corny but finding out I am able to take my allergy medicine this week was AMAZING. I have super bad allergies and sneeze, cough, etc. all the time. When I first got pregnant the OB told me I couldn't take the miracle allergy drug I've been on anymore. (this stuff is amazing people!) I was sad but I understood so the allergy doctor gave me generic Zyrtec and friends, its just not the same! (We are talking sneezing all the time, even waking up to sneeze! Ugh) So I made an appointment to see what else they could do to help me because if Momma ain't breathing that ain't good. Well she informed me that my *miracle* allergy medicine has been downgraded and can be taken after the first trimester now! I called my OB to confirm and Hallelujah! I can take it. And let me tell you...breathing is amazing.
What I am Missing this Week: Control over my body! It just seems like my body is doing is own thing and its kind of frustrating and weird at the same time. My boobs are getting bigger, my stomach is growing and my body is telling me I'm too tired all the time. Annoying! I know its for a good cause though ;)
Symptoms this Week: Not too much new going on symptom wise. Still super tired but I have much more energy than I did during the first trimester.
Obsessions this Week: Baby Names! I have been obsessing about baby names for a while now, jut haven't mentioned it on here. And of course, Steve and I have TOTALLY different ideas of what names we like. We decided not to discuss it until we know the sex (maybe next month!!) to save 2 arguments when we can only have 1...but I honestly hope he starts to like some of the names I like because I seriously cannot even stomach some of the crazy names he is throwing out. We are naming a baby here, not a comic book character!
Message to the Baby: Baby, you are getting so huge in mommy's belly! This week your daddy and I can start to really imagine you are growing inside of there and it is crazy! We love you so much already and can't wait to meet you and take care of you! I hope you show us your stuff at our next appointment so we can find out if you are a baby boy or baby girl!
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