Since we found out the baby is a boy, it has been a whole different ball game too. Steve and I have been thinking about names, nursery plans and everything else. (He even was talking about saving for!) It has just made the pregnancy so much more real to know that we are having a little baby boy. Unfortunately, getting us thinking more hasn't really led to any further decisions being made. We can't decide on a name we both like, so that's been hard. We have plenty of time though so I'm hopeful that we can find something we can agree on!
According to the baby books, in the next few weeks the baby is going to double his weight and add inches to his length! Go, baby go!! This week his eyese and ears are moving closer to where they should be. His scalp is beginning to develop but he won't grow his hair just yet. His toenails are also growing. He looks something like this:

All the books say that the baby is kicking up a storm inside of me and I should be feeling it anytime. While I was in Salt Lake City, I really tried to feel it, that sounds silly but I mean I tried to pay more attention so that if it was happening I would notice but nada. I think I felt some movement one night while reading before bed but it was so faint that I'm not even sure what it was. Probably the baby, but it was kind of anti So I think I'll be starting to feel the baby pretty soon and I'm really looking forward to that!
Exciting Moment of the Week: Nothing particularly exciting this week. Still kind of riding the high from finding out we are having a boy. It was fun to tell people who hadn't heard yet. That is always fun to hear people's reactions. Of course, their first comment is always, "Do you have a name yet?"! Thanks for asking. LOL
What I am Missing this Week: Since I was at the conference the thing I was missing most was probably sleep. It was hard to get up early and go all day and all night and not get back to my room until 8 or 9pm. I am used to at least 2 or 3 hours of veg out time each day!
Symptoms this Week: This week has been pretty good. I've started to get the back pain everyone is talking about. I've also noticed some headaches developing but nothing too major. Other than that, still just tired!
Obsessions this Week: Still on the baby names. I've been looking through lists and probably driving Steve crazy thinking about names. We still haven't agreed on anything so I think we are going to try each making a list and discussing them this weekend. I hope that works!
Message to Our Baby: Baby, we are so excited that you are doing so well. We had a blood test this week and the doctor said you are developing right on schedule and no sign of anything abnormal. We are so glad you are doing so well and we can't wait to meet you soon!!
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