Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby Steven is here!!

Baby Steven Joseph Riegerix III was born on Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 at 12:46 am. He was a healthy and happy boy right away! He was also a big boy at 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long!

We also had a ton of visitors at the hospital. We had so much support from family and friends. We are so blessed! Everyone loves you already, Baby Steven!

Now that we are home, it is just so surreal. Finally having Baby Steven here has been the most amazing blessing. Steve and I both agree that we didn't know we could love someone so much. Its a cliche but it really does seem like your heart is going to burst! I am just loving every single minute during the days with him. I feel so lucky to be able to take a maternity leave so that I can stay home and get to know our little boy. The evenings and weekends we have together as a whole family are so amazing too. I feel so very blessed.

Baby Steven is just the best baby. He is so laid back and easy going. He really only cries when he needs a diaper change or is hungry. We are so lucky to have such a good baby. Steve and I feel so truly blessed for him to be healthy and also have such an amazing disposition.

We are also so very lucky for the overwhelming amount of support we have received from family and friends! Tons of people came to see us in the hospital and even more have come over to visit since we've been home. On top of that, both of our parents have been AMAZING! They have been so helpful, loving and supportive. It has been so wonderful. I don't know how people do it without family support. I am so grateful to both our families for all their help. Baby Steven is so lucky to have 2 such great families that love him so much!!

So here's to our new "small but mighty" Riegerix!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to finally be able to come this weekend!
