Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up April #2

Here's to another wonderful week in the life...ha! Most of these pics were taken this weekend..bad mommy!

In awesome news from the Riegerix household I believe our hunger strike is over! Steven is eating finger foods again! Hollllla!! Here baby boy is reaffirming his love of broccoli. Awesome.

Steven still loves bath time. I mean how cute is he! We got him that floaty toy that sprays water and he loves chasing it around the bathtub. Ah, to be a kid. :)

So we let this wild man loose on a mall play indoor play area Saturday. He loved it! He was chasing around all the other kids and climbing like crazy. I couldn't get a decent picture because he wouldn't stand still! We'll definitely be checking these areas on our next trip to the mall.

On Saturday I took an art class with my good friend, Jenn. It was crazy crayon art. Pretty cool! Look what I made for Steven's play room.

Then Saturday night I went out in St. Charles with some friends. Very fun!! Here are some of my girls, Jenn and Erica! Good times.

And another...dang we're hot. And what's up with the scrunchy face? ha!

Sorry for the lack of pictures this week...I'll try to be better next week.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baby Stuff Update: Diapers and BFing

We've been on this baby journey 11 months now (sniffle) so I thought an update on some of the previous baby related posts was needed.  First a recent pic of our cutie pie. So big!

One of the easiest decisions we made about parenting was deciding to cloth diaper. Steve and I were both on the same page on that one, thankfully. Almost a year ago, I posted some of the reasons for our decision. Then a few months into cloth diapering full time I posted an update. So since that time, we've had quite a few changes that go along with a growing baby. Cloth diapering when Steven was nursing full time was a piece of cake! We never had any kind of solid messes in the diaper we had to worry about, everything could go in the washer. We rarely had any really smelly diapers, we very rarely had leaking issues or diaper rash and life was good. Here's our cutie in!

Enter a growing baby and solid foods...that makes for much messier diapers, as all mommies know! But with the cloth diapers, we really didn't have a problem. We had to extend our one size diapers to the full length to get them to fit our giant growing baby at about 6 months. But they still fit him great to this day. We also had to experiment with hemp doublers for overnights and a few other methods of stuffing the diapers to accommodate him as he grows but we haven't had a major problem with leaks, just a few here or there.
We love the BumGenius 4.0s One Size Pocket Diapers with hook & loop (Velcro) closure and haven't had a problem.
Some people complain that the Velcro wears as you use it constantly and we've seen some of that but nothing major. We have a couple snap diapers and I really prefer the velcro because you can get a much more snug fit around the waist of the diaper to prevent any leaks. We did pick up a few more diapers on clearance and other sales. I went in with a few friends and got some Sunbaby diapers. These diapers are way cheaper than BGs (probably because they come from China ;). So that was a plus. They also come in really cute prints like these:
Unfortunately that is where the good things end with these diapers. They were OK, but they broke down after a few months, like the snaps fell out and they started leaking...So I wouldn't say they have the "staying power" like the BGs do. We plan to keep our BGs for the next babies because they are pretty much in as good of condition as the day we bought them. But it was a good experiment getting the Sunbaby dipaers.

We also purchased a few Flip diapers. We registered for a few of these back in the day, but decided to go exclusively with BGs. But I heard a lot of good things about Flips, especially for being portable for on the go. Cotton Babies had some seconds, which are slightly imperfect new diapers, on clearance so I tried them out. I do like the Flips for the diaper bag for sure. They take up much less room and you don't have to pack a ton of diapers, just a few covers and extra inserts. They don't seem to hold up as well as the BGs though, meaning we've had a few huge blowouts in those...but for on the go, they're good!

Wow that was a lot of words about diapers and poo. :) Summary is we still love cloth diapering, its been great for Steven and our budget. We got a few new types of diapers but Bum Genius 4.0s are our fav and we plan to continue to cloth diaper with future babies.

So after that long convo about diapers don't you want to talk about food? ha ha! Well how about an update on how breast feeding is going? I gave you an update at 4 months but how have we been doing since then?

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed, and discussed that a lot when I was pregnant. I felt it was the right choice for our family but I was so nervous about it working out. We had a hard time the first day in the hospital but after a few adjustments and Mr. Man waking up more, we got going! The lactation consultants at St. Luke's recommended trying using a nipple shield because Steven was having some latching issues in the beginning. We had a lot of success using that so I continued to do so for probably 2-3 months. It was a huge blessing in getting us going but was so annoying to try to remember to have one at all times, especially since we were BF on demand and also when we were out and about. So annoying! I was glad one day when I forgot it and we tried BF without it and had no problems! So we were able to wean off the nipple shield no problem! yay! I did have one bump in the road during the first few months but from what I understand that's not too bad!

Going back to work after my maternity leave was tough for a lot of reasons but the pumping 3 times a day at work was rough! It was exhausting and hard to try to fit it into a busy work day. But I'm so glad that I did it. I was really lucky to have a lot of support at work. When I came back they had an extra room that I could use and even made a sign for the door! Someone else had left a mini fridge in there and let me use it. Wasn't that so nice?! When I switched jobs, my new supervisor was super supportive and made sure that I was getting enough time to pump. I'm so grateful for their support.

Along the same lines, I'm super grateful for all the family support I received. Steve was amazing. He was so encouraging and always helpful. I'm lucky to have such a supportive hubby. My parents and in laws were also so supportive. They always gave me assistance whenever I needed it and that was great. It really helped me power through the harder times of BFing having that support.

As time went on with our BFing I got pretty into the breast feeding community. I really got interested in the benefits of doing it and read a lot. I also really wanted to be an example for other women my age who might not know that they could do it with their kids and were intimidated or scared. Really, there's not a lot of obvious support out there. I had to look for it and luckily I had a great resource in the STLwed board where other mommies can answer questions. (And if there's any mommy's out there looking for BF support here are a few awesome resources: Kellymom, Kangaroo Kids, TLB, La Leche League). I also got pretty fearless about BFing in public. When you are dealing with a whiny, hungry, screaming baby you really start to not care about modesty or the other people around you. You just want to feed your baby! Probably the craziest place I BF in public was on a hay ride at a pumpkin patch. Believe it or not, right before this picture was taken I was BFing Steven.

So my original goal for breastfeeding was to make it to 6 months. We made that goal! Yay! Then I really wanted to make it to a year. The AAP and WHO recommend at least 6 months of exclusive BFing and then to continue for 1 to 2 years. I really wanted to make it to at least a year. Well, sad to tell you, friends, that didn't happen. :(  We did make it 10 1/2 months which I think is awesome! I admit I was disappointed to have to give it up early but there was nothing I could do. I think part of the culprit was the sleep training we did which cut out our before bed feeding and any in the middle of the night feedings. So my supply really suffered. I was getting less and less when pumping at work. I was getting about 4oz a pumping session at work to getting about 1-2oz a pumping session after sleep training. With that happening, I wasn't able to keep up with the amount of milk Steven was eating while I was at work so we started to burn through our freezer stash pretty quickly. Sad story. Here's me and my partner in crime on this BF journey:

But the bright side is that Steven took to formula no problem. We didn't have any gas/spit up issues or had to try a million kinds or any other horror stories I've heard. We just bought the generic type (good God, formula is expensive!) and Steven took it no problem. So that's been really good. Also, I feel a little guilty about it but its kind of nice to have my body to myself for a while. I mean I was prego and sharing my body with him for 10ish months. Then BFing and pumping for another 10 months. Thats a long time! The pumping at work and constant BFing was kind of wearing on me towards the end. But it was a great experience and I'm so glad for how it worked out.

Wow this update has really been long. I didn' t know I had so much to say! There are a few other things I wanted to give updates on including Baby Led Weaning and Sleep. I guess I'll have to do a Part stay tuned!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

I've seen posts like these on a few different blogs and I always think its so cute. So here's our week in cell phone photos...

Enjoying the gorgeous weather with a little walk

Learning to "answer the phone" at Grammy and Grandpa Gooden's

Just an average day in a cow suit...LOL at Gabbymaw's obviously :)

Trip to the Zoo on Friday...lots of people = cranky baby

Hey at least we saw some ducks!

Pajama time snuggles at Gabbymaw and Grandpa Steve's while Mommy and Daddy get a date night.

Yummy drinks at Ameristar for date night...of course my husband gets the chocolate martini. :)

I can't remember what I ordered but the bartender said this is better. ha!

So overall....great week!! How was your week??

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby Steven's First Year...11 Months

I cannot believe my baby is already 11 months old! You are looking and acting like such a big boy this month. You are cruising around like crazy and can crawl really quickly! You definitely have figured out how to get around. You will crawl after us if we walk out of the room, sometimes crying as you go. Its sad but kind of cute!

You have also really started working on walking this month. You have taken a few steps on your own and have taken a lot of steps walking in between people. You are still a little too scared to take steps on your own though. When you get ready to, mostly you freak out and sit down, then crawl like mad. Too cute. I'm sure you will get sick of this crawling thing and walk on your own soon. You have been doing a great job walking with us holding onto just 1 finger though. So big!

This month you have mastered crawling up our stairs. I can't believe how quickly you picked up that skill! You can crawl up our large set of stairs all by yourself, no help! Its incredible!

Another adorable thing you do this month, probably related to our attempts to get you walking, is clapping for yourself. Everytime you take a step or two, you sit down and clap for yourself. You'll do it at other random times, which is so cute.

You will also, sit and play by yourself pretty well at this age. You just love to press buttons on your toys that make music and you'll dance to yourself, unless we are dancing with you! You will also sit and page through a book by yourself. You really have gotten into books this month which is great!!

You're still babbling/talking a lot this month. One new thing you do now is say "ruff" whenever you hear a dog barking. Its adorable!! You are also repeating a lot of sounds, for example when we say "moo", you'll do your version of mooing. We are talking about a lot of animal sounds lately and you've been picking up on that like crazy. You have a few "words" that probably we only understand but you're saying, bye bye, hello, bottle, up, mama, dada (those 2 are pretty clear). Yay! So smart!

Another development this month is a new tooth! Your top front tooth started coming in, just on the right side. It looks like its really hurting you buddy but I'm glad some more teefers are starting to show up for you. Your hunger strike this month continues, maybe due to teething pain? Hopefully we can get you back to eating food soon! (and not just throwing it on the floor)

So 11 months old already and you are up to all sorts of shenanigans! You are walking when you feel like it, crawling like crazy, getting a new tooth, making some new sounds and words, clapping for yourself and just growing like a weed!! Hard to believe your 11 months already, buddy. One more month until you have been with us for an entire year! This has easily been the best year of our lives. You are such a joy to us everyday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weight Watchers Update - 1 Week till Goal Time

We haven't had a WW update in a while so I thought I'd check in. I've been on the program now for 2 months! Hard to believe its been that long. Its been a learning experience and a struggle for sure. But I've lost 8lbs so far! So yay! I have another week to my first short term goal of losing 10lbs in 2 months so I'm hoping that I can meet that goal Friday.

Changing my diet has been really hard for me. After all, its bad eating habits that got me here, right? I have been able to change my habits during the week and have been eating pretty well at work and in the evenings. I eat a good breakfast and a decent lunch (most days) and make some yummy WW things for dinner usually. I've tried a lot of great recipes on WW. Its great how they have so many recipes and resources for recipes. I haven't really had to adjust my cooking that much, just mostly including more veggies, less carbs and eating smaller portions. But I'm still able to cook all my favorite things, tacos, chili, lasagna, etc. Speak of which, here are some awesome recipes I've tried since my last post:

Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies

Tex Mex Chicken

Beef and Vegetable Casserole

Mini Italian Meatloves with Penne and Sauteed Zucchini

Cheesy ChiliMac

Cheesy Chicken Shells

When I first started I had a lot of momentum and was really committed. Since then, I've lost a little momentum and I've had some bad slacking off days for sure. It just seems like life gets in the way sometimes, eating wise and exercise wise. Also, I feel myself fighting (with myself) pretty often lately. I need to get in control! I've also been slacking on working out which I need to get better about.

But anyway, taking a note from my good friend, Jenn, lets focus on the positives!

So, 8 weeks in and:
  • I'm down 8lbs, which averages out to 1lb/week, that's a decent weight loss
  • I have been getting exercise most days, either taking a walk or going to the gym
  • My clothes are definitely getting too big, a few pairs of pants had to be retired already because they are way too big
  • Clothes one size smaller are actually starting to fit
  • I've increased my fruit/veggie intake by a lot
  • I'm learning to cook better and make better food choices
So that's a lot of things going well! Wish me luck. Lets hope I can get my rear in gear this week and lose 2lbs to meet my goal!