I think we are doing quite well so far. I can't believe we've made it 4 months already. Seems like a pretty big accomplishment! When I started I said I really wanted to set a goal of going at least 6 months and we are almost there. Yay!
Baby Steven is still breastfeeding like a champ whenever we get a chance to be together. Now that I am working full time its more a mostly pumping situation unfortunately. But once in the morning, once in the evening on workdays I do get to BF with baby and its really nice. I think its a good bonding time for both of us and a time to relax and just be together. On the weekends, we get to BF much more and that's really nice.
Baby Steven is also a champ taking a bottle. I tell you this boy does not care where his milk comes from as long as you give to him now!!! He is taking about 5 4oz bottles during the day when I'm at work and has no problem with them. I'm so glad that he is able to transition from BFing to the bottle with no problem. That is huge or we wouldn't be able to do this! We were having a problem with gas, but since we switched to Dr. Brown's bottles, that hasn't been a problem. Yay, Dr. Brown!

So how is pumping at work going? Pretty well! I mean I hate it of course. Pumping is really no fun at all and it doesn't compare at all to cuddling your little baby while you feed him. And its kind of awkward, uncomfortable and painful but that's what I need to do to feed my little man. Besides those general issues pumping at work is going well. The people at my work have been really supportive. They made an extra room the "pumping room" and even left a little fridge in there for me. So that has been really nice. While I'm pumping I get a chance to zone out, read a book, browse a magazine or even watch the occasional Disney movie on VHS. So that is actually kind of a nice break from work 3 times a day. I have only had a few problems making time for pumping when schedules conflicted at work. But I always get it done, just may have to schedule it a few minutes early or late depending on meetings or conference calls.
I have the Medela Pump in Style Advanced pump and its pretty good. I like it for the most part. Those pumps are not cheap, though! Geez! I wish I had gotten a pump with a battery pack so I wouldn't have to always find an outlet when we are in a weird situation (like trying to pump in a hotel room with other people lol). Its also a pain to set up every time but I suppose that is every pump. But it seems to be getting the job done getting milk for my baby so I suppose its fine!
As far as problems go, I haven't had many at all. I had that one bought of mastitis but that's pretty much it. I haven't had more of that or any other problems really. I've been very lucky! I did have a massive drop in supply around 10 weeks and that really freaked me out! But I heard that it is normal for your supply to level off around that time to meet the exact demands of your baby instead of having an oversupply. So after I was done freaking out, that was kind of nice because now I don't have to worry too much about engorgement. (Which is really nice!)
I am surprising myself with how much I love breastfeeding. The thought of it kind of freaked me out when I was pregnant and I was really worried it would not work out. But its actually been a really smooth transition and has been a really natural thing for us. I absolutely love it now and am so glad I've been able to provide food for my baby like that. Its pretty amazing how God created a woman's body to be able to do that. Its incredible to see my baby boy grow up and know that all he is eating is what I am giving him. Its incredible how my body has changed to meet his needs perfectly and how naturally he took to breastfeeding.
So overall we are doing really great breastfeeding! I am proud that we made it to 4 months. Baby Steven has not shown any interest in real food and really isn't holding his head up well enough to eat table food so for now we are going to continue breastfeeding exclusively. We can continue like that until he is 6 months old and then we will definitely start introducing solids. I hope I can keep up pumping and my supply for at least a few months more and see how long we can make it!
Yay! I'm happy everything is going so well - and all that worrying you did ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to be able to breastfeed. I know some babies don't take to it, but I'm hoping my little one does. I love the idea of bonding with the baby and the idea of saving money on formula :)